Life has been good. I don't really think there's another word for it. It hasn't been exciting or exhilirating, but it definitely hasn't been boring.
Sometime last week I had to quit my job at Honey Dew because someone needs to be home with Alycia until 4pm everyday. My mom's giving me some money each week to watch her, but I would have to do it even if I weren't making money. So Friday afternoon Tim and I took a ride to Honey Dew and I talked to Everett about it, and he says I can work weekends. Which means I should be getting about $100.00 a week (including what my mom pays me) minus tips. That will work. After staying around Honey Dew to hang out with Kac and Christine, I went to Driver's Ed. Left there and went to Cara's campfire which was super fun. Then me and Tim went back to his house, changed, and went to the Harry Potter party at Barnes and Noble up in Warwick. We got there late, around 12, but early enough to get the book. We ended up getting the book around 1. It was amazing there..for the next book I'm definitely going earlier so I can be a Harry Potter geek with a bunch of my own. haha. Went back to Tim's, slept late, showered and then headed to the Warwick mall to go clothes shopping for Tim. I helped him pick out some cute clothes, then we went shopping for me. I only had $20.00 though so that made it kind of hard. I found the PERFECT Aqua Teen Hunger Force shirt, but they only had it in men's large. Then I wanted a super neat Star Wars shirt but that was also only in men's large. So I ended up going to Old Navy and getting a shirt and tote thing. Cute. Then we went to go see Fantastic Four, which was surprisingly good. Went home. Today was my mom's birthday and my family went out to eat then were going to see Charlie and the Chocolate Factory but couldn't because my dad didn't feel like picking us up at midnight. Stupid. But overall, this weekend was pretty good. I'm excited for next weekend because hopefully that will be quality time with my best buddies weekend! YESSSSS!
And now I'm looking for a new cell phone/plan. I'm thinking T-Mobile-
Sharp TM150. But I can't decide on the plan. I don't want something too expensive because I am horrible at saving money. So I have to decide between:
$19.99- 60 whenever minutes + 500 weekend minutes.
$29.99- 300 whenever minutes + unlimited weekend.
I don't actually call people on my phone a lot so I was thinking I could do the 60 whenever minutes one and get a package for texting. But then I would probably always be going over. I don't know.