I'm just writing this little note on where I'm at because I'm procrastinating. And don't want to go to this inspection. So - I have an inspection today on a house in Ascot, and I really don't want to go. For two reasons; One, I have to drive there and we know how much I like driving. Two, it's right next to the train station so I find it unlikely we will go for the place anyway, so it therefore seems pointless. But I have to go because otherwise I'm not really doing much for the moving out effort, and also it's near Lancaster Road, which is where the steamroller park is that I used to play on when I was little. I want to take photos and show my parents, so that's probably the biggest reason I'm going.
I also have a handful of fics that I want to write but can't find the motivation for. One is a Crusoe/Friday, and that's the one that's on my mind the most but I also have ideas for a few Holmes/Watsons, and two Aziraphale/Crowleys. It's just so much easier to read fics, because then I am still involved in the fandom and get my fix, but I don't have to do anything. The stories are so wonderful anyway that it makes it hard to want to write stuff that is in no way going to compare. And, you know, I've come to realise that the only thing I do well in my writing is the dialogue. I can't tell a story to save my life, but at least my characters speak realistically. Well, I think so anyway.
Mum just rang too, and told me that the two Chrises had a fight last night, a real one, with fisticuffs and all (and no, I haven't had 'I'd Do Anything' iin my head since she said that, because of the line, 'Would you fight my Bill? What, fisticuffs?' ... at all) and that makes me anxious and worried. Mostly because there's nothing I can do about it, and Mum's talking about moving out on her own but she can't really afford to do it on her own any more than I can. So then of course I have guilt like, 'well, shouldn't I move in with her?' but I just can't, can I? I want (and need) to move in with Tom ... but, you know, she's my Mum.
And I apparently can't get a proper job to save my life.
Anyway, that's my update.