Up close & personal survey;
100 questions
Mmk mr Survey man, sounds juicy. Let's see what you've got for me today...
01. Do you have a nickname? Snail. Drunken English girl, Anno
02. Are you a virgin? Nein
03. When is the last time you had sex? Way too long ago. qq. I am pure and innocent ok.
04. What are your bad/good habits? Oooh I have plenty of bad ones. Insomnnia, slow to reply to people, cursing like a sailor, eating too many pringles, getting obsessed with people and things really easily
05. Have you ever walked in on someone going to bathroom? Who? Probably!
06. Name one thing about your body you love? Love is a strong word Mr, but my hands are ok and my hair can be ok when I can be bothered with it.
07. Name one thing about your body you hate? Oh where to start. I feel like my lips are too small, but then I wouldn't rly want slug lipz either. Also lip injections look fake and shit 95% of the time so that ain't no option either.
08. Do you have any freckles on your hands? A couple
09. Are you wearing a thong right now? Yeah baby. Ermmm... no ta.
10. What color is your underwear? Black
11. Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend? I have a few wives. Only a few tho...
12. Have they ever cheated on you? Yes she called another girl fan bae the other day on weverse. HATE.
13. Did you wake up to a good morning text? No one luvs me enough for that.
14. Have you ever purchased condoms? Thankfully no!! In this house we love ⭐ gold stars ⭐
15. Have you ever had shower sex? ERRRRMM
16. Do you find yourself sexy? Heeeell no. That would be some high key Narcissist shit.
17. Have you ever watched porn? Yess
18. Have you ever caught someone else watching porn? No, I would legitimately die tho.
19. What size show are you? 7 seasons long.
20. Have you ever got into a fist fight? I punched a twat in the face back in school days, but it wasn't a fist fight no.
20. ^ Be honest, did you lose that fight? Nah, I socked her and legged it home. I was walking home from school, she was behind with her mate and they started throwing bricks and rocks at us. She was the classic silly girl trying to be edgy and hard and starting on innocents minding their own biz that she didn't even know. I remember her being shocked.
21. Have you ever sent a nude snapchat? I don't even have snapchat. I am too old and decrepit for that shit.
22. Have you ever found a teacher sexy? Yeah. I had this teacher that always used to sub in for relgious studies. She was a blonde with the lightest blue eyes I have EVER seen. She was the highlight of my last school days..
23. Have you ever had sex at school? No ty.
24. Do you have your period right now? No I take the pill for wonky hormone balance. I barely remember what it is even like.
25. Did you shower today? Yes
26. Can you count on one hand how many people you made out with? Yep
27. Do you smoke weed? No but I have been considering it to see if it helps my anxiety chill a tad. Not smoke tho thx. I found CBD oil does help. The only thing that really worries me is that it can bring on psychosis and more ewhich runs in my family, it could be playing with fiyahhh. But then, what is if does help??
28. Do you plan on getting drunk today? My name ain't drunken eng girl for nothin.
29. Do you have a go-to sexy outfit you wear to get someones attention? Oh christ on a bike no. I might be drunken english girl, but not revealing english girl.
30. What color is your bra? It is a black sports one because it is comfy.
31. What do you see yourself doing with your life in 5 years, 10 years? Revisiting lj for nostalgia, reading this and cringing. Hai future self.... I hope life is treating you kind. But somehow I doubt LOL! How many cats do you have now?
32. What has been an embarrassing moment for you? My entire life, no sarcasm.
33. What is your biggest goal in life? Currently to not croak it with covid and my shitty immune system.
34. Describe yourself in 3 words. A train wreck
35. Tell me your 3 weaknesses.
Yoo, Lights and Rosé with her guitar aaaaw. I have the cutest wives.
36.Did you masturbate today? Nein
37. What are your point of view of the world? Liberal/conservative, spiritual/atheist? Religion... I don't care if other people believe in it but I don't think it is for me. I used to want to believe in God but after many years I came to the conclusion that I am an athiest and I think that religion is a nothing but a glorified cult, sucking people in and terrifying them so much into following it all with the promise of no torture and bliss in the afterlife. I think the bible was basically written to keep people in line many years ago with lots of tales and things that they believed people should follow. They say it doesn't matter about proof and you have to have blind faith or you'll be going to hell, well what kind of God sends people to be tortured for eternity for needing proof of something? Likee... there are people that spend their lives begging for him to show them a sign he is real so that they can devote their life like he wants and nada. Yet other people say they experience things all of the time. How is it ever fair? And why even play that game? I am sure he could come down and give proof to us all if he wanted... sure then judge people for not following you, fine. If he is real in the way people think he is real, then I think he is unfair, harsh and egotistical, to be frank.
There may well be something afterlife, or a God of some sorts, but I am not going to spend my life trying to figure out what is correct out of the billion and one possibilities, hell, the truth is probably something us humans have never even thought of before. I will accept whatever awaits me, if anything at all.
Also. I guess I am liberal but I feel embarrassed how some mega librals act these days. Especially stuff surrounding LGBT and the 1000 genders and all that stuff.Things are getting so complicated and PC. We are living in a world where everyone has to walk on eggshells as everyone is offended by err'thing.
38. What to you would the perfect life consist of? WoW, nice food, my cats, music on hand with the best headphones I could get my hands on, beer, I don't need to be rich but enough money to live comfortably would be nice, I would prob live near Jess so we could hang out and do all of the fun shit we do over the comp but irl. I challenge thee to a real life game of pool and let's see who comes out on top!
39. Is there an age where being a virgin, you think, would be awkward? Oh i am sure when people start getting into their late 20's they feel shame about it because of how societal norms are, but who cares really. Having sex with others is a personal thing and no one should feel ashamed no matter what late age they start, or even not. Who cares as long as the person is happy.
40. Does your ex still have feelings for you? Nope
41. Do you think you look okay without makeup on? 100% no.
42. Ever skinny dipped? Lolz
43. Ever skinny dipped in the ocean? Nahh
44. Have you ever peed outside? I think everyone has peed in some bushes on a mega long car journey with no loo in sight.
45. Gay rights are human rights, right? No
46. List 3 of your hobbies: WoW, Making candles and melts, going into the deep, dark depths of youtube.
47. Have you ever had a sexy Skype chat? No. Msn? Maybe.
48. Do you think you would make a good parent someday? Doubtful with my unconventional life. I'd have to change a hell of a lot. Too much responsibility.
49. Are you a teen mom? OMG......How did you know?
50. Your first kiss was _______, (describe it.) Good. I was petrified but I did not let it show. I liked her very much. We were sat on my bed. I am thankful it was not with some rando boy that I was pretending to like or something.
51. What is your dream job? What leaf said on her quiz. Basically what Asmon is doing. Getting paid hundreds of thousands for playing WoW at home for a few hours every day and talking to nerds on a chat and where being unapologetically a complete degenerate only gets him more and more fans. Why do some people have it so good please?! Well Jel.
52. Do you remember your dream from last night? Yes actually.. I barely remember dreams unless they are traumatic. This one is a reoccurring one of Niko and Indy running out and escaping and I spend the dream chasing them depserately before any harm comes to them. :(
53. Do you have a stripper friend? Omg this reminds me...TILAAAA
Click to view
Mega lols.
54. What is your ideal vacation? I'd like to go to Leafland and Seoul in South Korea. Land of Lights, Avril and Dreamcatcher!! Seen so many interesting things I wanna do and try. Plus with leafland I could meet Jess if she did not run far, far away LOL. She could give me eggnog after all these yrs ok. With SK I want to visit Han river, Happyface ent building and have real kimchi and go to the cat cafes!
55. Do you have a favorite movie? Dno I have a few, I fell back in love with Hocus Pocus this Halloween though because it gave me so many nostalgic memories of watching it with Gail back in the day. Fucking amazing film. I also found out that Sarah Jessica Parker actually did eat a real spider for it? SICK.
56. Is there a song that makes you cry? Hear You Me used to get me on the verge but not anymore.
57. Did you cry today? No, I've just got up luv.
58. Did you see the bed as a kid? Excuse me wut???
59. What are your views on open relationships? Do you know what an open relationship is? I live under a rock, true, but not that much. I think that people can do as they please, who am I to judge? It's not for me though. I want someone all to myself thanx because I am a greedy bitch.
60. Have you ever had a sexual gay experience? Why you askin'? ;)
61. Do you believe long distance relationships can work? Depends on the people, how in love they are and if they feel the other person is worth the wait.
62. Do you believe that “Money can’t buy happiness?" It can buy superficial happiness and add on to happiness for sure, but the real fulfilling inner happiness comes from good friends friends, family and love I think - great people to share your life with. If you have none of that, you could be rich and still feel empty. Unless you're a sociopath that doesn't care about others or feelings in general lol, then sure money would definitely = happiness. I am not envious of people with huge houses, flashy cars and any of that. I am envious of those who have loving families and those that have found their soulmate and have them to help and support each other through all of the good and bad in life. Nothing else matters. But apparently it is looking like even this is too much of an ask unfortunately.
63. Do you like your job? My job is annoying leaf with my long ass msgs on the daily and yes I enjoy it very much
64. Is there someone in your family that you wish weren’t part of your family? My uncle because then everyone could live in peace at least.
65. Do you know anyone in jail? No
66. Have you ever shoplifted? Yes, little things when I was younger and stupid.
67. Would you like to be famous? In what way? NO! All eyes on me, everything I am doing and saying being put under a microscope. No thanks. I guess if I was talented at something it would be cool to be appreciated for that, but there are so many downsides to fame as well. So many people putting their nose in your business where it is not wanted or needed.
68. Do you have a secret hunch about how you will die? One of my wives will come out with something so epic that it will kill me off for real, I am sure.
69. How do you feel about your relationship with your mother? Great. Sure she can be annoying at times but that comes with being around someone so much right. We are like peas in a pod most times and she is legitmately the only person that knows everything about me irl and loves me anyway.
70. Do you know who your father is? I have one photo and he saw me once when I was really little and too young to remember before he died.
71. Do you believe in Karma as "what goes around comes around”? Actually yes. You reap what you sow. And it's always sweet when it happens.
72. Do you live alone? No, I would be living alone just for the sake of it. What is the point.
73. Do you fart in front of your friends? What friends?
74. Have you done drugs other than weed? Nein
75. Would your parents be pissed if they saw this survey? Probably would get an earful about being self depreciating no doubt.
76. Do you find Zac Efron sexy? The hottest *cough*
77. Do you think aliens are real? ....Is this Gail in disguise? Hello?? Oh my god don't even go there! I have had enough of this on the daily thanx. Real talk though, the universe is so huge that it would be egotistical to be so certain that we are the only living creatures on one planet out of 1000000's. They probably do exist somewhere out there but who even knows what form they take, whether they are more intelligent than us or what. There are so many possibilities it makes my head swim, which is why I prefer not to think about it.
78. Do you swim well? I can only swim on my back lol.
79. Have you ever had a emergency surgery? Only scheduled surgery to remove a cyst the size of an ORANGE wrapping around my ovary. Like how does it even get that big please? No wonder I couldn't even walk!
80. Do you think you are fat?
Real pic of me after all of the xmas goodies:
81 Do you have a gym membership? Are gyms even open??? probably not
82. Have you ever dated a guy after your friend did? Sigh, these quizzes remind me how many hets are in this world.
83. What age did you start drinking? Early teens?? Not like loads tho.
84. Is your mom your best friend? One of them.
85. Are you regretting taking this survey? Not really, I thought it was going to dig deeper to be honest. It has been ok though *pets mr survey man*
86. Are you in/planning to go to college? Think that boat has sailed, don't you?
87. What was the wildest dare ever given to you? Prob to run down the street nekkid
88. \What was/is High School like for you?
89. Do you find any of your friends hot? Sure, there are a lot of good lookin' folk out there.
90. Are you glad this survey is almost over? Indeed, I can get back to my very important procrastinating.
91. What do you think of Obama? Superior to the orange goon.
92. Are you registered to vote? Yes but in UK thx, methinks this is a yank survey.
93. Did you take a selfie today?
94. Who was the last person to compliment you? Probably leaf telling me that I am nice??
Little does she know...
95. Do you believe that ghosts exist? Maybe. Again, so many unknowns. I have definitely seen and heard some stuff in my old house that would have people spooked though.
96. Do you have any scars on your body? Yep, mainly the ones where they did my laproscopic surgery. Hawt.
97. Have you ever thought about getting plastic surgery? Too much $$$$ and it doesn't look pleasant at ALL.
98. Name the one person you can count on? Can I pick a feline friend please. My cat to give me cuddles all day every day ok. Best boi.
99. You got 99 problems; name one: VIRGIN FUCKING MEDIA. Some things never change.
100. What is your goal for today? Taking the xmas decs down before "bad luck" strikes. Toodle-oo!