Feb 26, 2004 13:28
it's amazing how many hours i can sit in front of the tv! in the past.. oh, i'd say 4 days, i have watched 22 episodes of Queer As Folk (which is the complete first season) and i have to say, i have thouroughly enjoyed every minute of it! i'm so sad the first season (or rather, me watching the first season) is over, but i love the way they ended it and i love the show itself, it's so brilliant. i think most people would get turned off by the sex aspect of it, but my views on it are if practically every movie nowadays has a sex scene between a man and a woman and we're all watching them, then why can't there be sex scenes between two men or two women? i donno, i just don't see it as such a big deal. but at any rate, AMAZING first season, every episode was great.. actually, i missed 4 episodes in the middle somewhere cauz i rented the wrong volumes yesterday but thats okay, when i get back from NY i'm gonna go back and rent the volume i missed, plus by then i'm gonna rent the third season. when i'm back in NY tomorrow i'm gonna have to get to PJ blockbuster to rent the entire second season, which is 20 episodes (aprox. 9 hours) and i have to watch them all by sunday night! i wish i could rent them here but i'm not about to drive 45 minutes up to Little River just to get the 2nd season. i can't believe no other blockbuster carries it.. but you know what's truly pathetic? this is the biggest dilemma in my life right now lol, hoping to finish the entire 2nd season in 3 days. i don't care if i have to stay up til 2 am every night watching episodes, i'm gonna do it! lol. i even made some new icons of mike and brian this morning, i love their relationship (or rather lack of romance but deep feelings) so much. i hope by the end of the show they finally get together in some way. they're soo beautiful and cute together (brian more specifically lol i looooove him) so if they dont do something soon i'm gonna be so pissed! okay, enough of the new obsession..
well anyway, if anyone wants to see me in the short amount of time i'm gonna be up in NY, please give my cell a call! if not, i won't have a computer until i come back on monday, so i'll update on everything i do (and all the hours i'll have sat in front of the tv staring at hot gay boys kiss *wink*) bye for now...
Quote of the Day:
Brian: "I'm glad you came."
Michael: "We've always been there for each other."
Brian: "You more than me."
Michael: "That's not true."
Brian: "Yeah it is. I can be shitty to you sometimes. I know that. But it's only because I know that you'll always love me no matter what."
Michael: "I do."
Brian: "I do too. Always have, always will. I don't know how I could have made it without you."
-- Queer As Folk