Jun 12, 2004 09:28
hello. kristen’s birthday was really fun; well first of all, travis carr was there and he
was flirting a lot with me and i think he was flirting with some girl taira, but anyway
on to the story. since he was flirtirting with me, i did the same. and i kissed him twice
lastnight because he wanted me to, and i wanted to also because he’s hot & he
reminds me of ashton kutcher; and i mean dont get me started on that shit.
but haha anyways well i thought i scored because he asked me for a kiss and never
asked taira, because like 10 minutes after he kissed me, he panced her and whatever
so then like 40 minutes went by and we all went in kristen’s beautifully recently paint-
ed polka dot room haha and i dont know how it happened but taira ended up sitting
on travis’ lap, and i wanted to make-out that night because as i already told you;
travis carr reminds me of ashton kutcher, so to me it would be like making out with
a young ashton kutcher, but anyway, travis and taira went into kristens closet, and
started making out, but we couldn’t tell exactly, because the doors to her closet were
closed_ so me and kristen and her friend macy were getting pissed off. because we
thought that that was kind of stupid to do at kristens party; actually no not me, i was
just getting really jealous and so kristen got this string from my old bathing suit that
was at her house and tied both doors together so they couldnt get out, haha funniest thing
i have ever heard, and kristen and me poured water on them and blake took pictures and
the list goes on alright.. but the stupid thing was, was that i asked travis earlier if he
was going to make-out with taira and he said no im not desperate mm. ya okay travis
you didnt keep your word, yah slut, haha well okay im gonna go because im done bye..
..i love you baby, melissa