Misc., et al, RE:, ASAP, etc.

Jun 09, 2011 09:33

Kids have a half-day of school today, so I figure my headache will go away right before they get home.

Things to do today:

Clean Wumpus cage
Get stuff out for dinner
Answer comments/DMs
Update PTA books
Kidlet doctor visit
Clean computer room

Things I want to do, but probably shouldn't:

Cut off my head
Rip out my uterus

Here's an interesting article/essay/blog post/whatever you're supposed to call them - Ask Women Questions

So, since you guys don't think I'm weird enough: I am very organized. It's a thing. I've had to relax a little since having kids, but I like things neat and tidy and stored properly and such. I love lists. But - and this is the thing that drives me crazy - I cannot use a planner. Even when I worked at Suncoast and we had a planner (the Daily Plan-It) that we had to use and when my boss bought me my own and even though I have to do lists and stuff and know all about prioritizing and goal setting and everything. EVEN THOUGH. I just can't do it. I can't even do it to the extent of putting things in an online/phone calendar. WHY IS MY BRAIN?

Also, the hazards of following a blog that posts pictures of animals is inevitably someone will post a picture with bugs crawling on them, and I will freak out.

Okay. Now to do some of that stuff I have to do.

read this, to-do

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