Easily distracted by shiny things.

Mar 09, 2011 20:19

I currently sound like I've been smoking for 80 years. Also, I am apparently giving up lungs for lent. Or would be if I was Catholic. As it is, I'm just giving them up because they apparently don't work and are trying to exit my body through a coughing strategy.

Also, for a fic I am SO not writing, I spent some time on Wikipedia today and ended up reading about Kristallnacht and concentration camps and Dachau in particular and I started thinking about the Holocaust museum in Washington DC and how it wasn't what I expected/wanted/hoped for and how I really wish I could go to Germany in particular and Europe in general and see things for myself, and feel them. My mom went to Dachau when we were stationed overseas in the Azores, and she told me about how they walked inside and there was a group of nuns standing there singing in Latin and it was just haunting, and that's what I wanted the museum to be - which it was in a couple places - but anyway. I don't have any particular connection to the Holocaust (other than being a human being) - I'm not Jewish or homosexual or a political dissident or just in the wrong place at the wrong time - but I don't think anything so overwhelming and horrific should be easy to walk through, if that makes sense? Anyway. Interesting to read about some of the stuff I'd never looked at specifically in detail.

And on a happier note (via forsweatervests)

Date a Girl Who Reads by Rosemarie Urquico and For Strong Women by Marge Piercy.

Tomorrow is a busy day of making cake pops and macaroni and cheese. Also hopefully writing.

Another thing:

I have a tiny head. I mean, it is obviously full of smartness and stuff, but size-wise, it is relatively small. I can wear hats made for small children is what I'm saying here. The rest of me is....less than small. My hair is thin and fine, does not hold product and does not hold up to humidity. Mostly it is *evil*. Right now, my hair is down to my shoulders and entering the territory of 'it will now be in a ponytail for the rest of my life if I don't cut it', and I'm looking for something cute. I was considering a pixie-type thing, but given the tininess of my head, I'm not sure it won't make it look disproportionately tinier. Thoughts? Ideas? I can post pictures if you insist, I suppose.

Also - Jason Isbell: Vancouver at the Biltmore and then Seattle at the Tractor. June 13/14. Whoooo!

I think I win for most disjointed and unconnected post ever! Yay! \o/


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