Life in bullet points

Feb 14, 2009 17:56

Dinner is cooking. The kidlets picked meatballs for their dinner, so those are baking and the mashed potatoes are mashing and soon the gravy will be gravying. Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmeatballs are yummy.

Work is finished for the day. I got a lot accomplished, but I'm about 1/3 of the way through two different things (that have to be done concurrently) and I've got 10 hours to finish it tomorrow. Um. Eeek? Still, it's great to see it getting done, and the iPod was good to me - lots of DBT and Jason Isbell to rock out to. inlovewithnight, you'll appreciate that the first song I got this morning on shuffle was "Soldiers Get Strange".

For those who like music - Jason Isbell and the 400 Unit's new self-titled album comes out on Tuesday. You should buy it because it rocks and he rocks and if you give him money he will keep making more music for me. I reserved a copy from an indie record store, so I'm supporting two good things that taste great together all at once.

Now I want a peanut butter cup

When I came home from work I was filthy and sore, but now I am showered and good smelling and pajamaed.

I'm seriously behind on TV, omg. BSG, Life, B&S, Burn Notice. Maybe tomorrow night after the kids are in bed, I'll do a TV marathon.

Monday afternoon is a playdate with one of Kidlet's friends, then that night he's going on a date with his aunt to go out to dinner and see Coraline as his birthday present. He's super excited. It's cute.

My mother-in-law got me Dove dark chocolate for Valentine's day, my kids and husband got me a couple monkeys. I wished all my doctors a happy VD, which means something completely different where I work. Hee.

Maybe my brain will be fic-ish tonight. If not, I'll probably sit here like a lump. I'm okay with that plan too.

Valentine's day is as good a day to say it as any I suppose - I adore all of you on my flist, and I'm very glad you're around. I feel that every day, but I'll be good and remember to say it today. ::smooches you all::

This icon is my new motto.
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