Pick-A-Porn 1-4

Feb 02, 2009 10:59

For obssessivemuch who wanted The Middleman: Pip/Lacey


She’s not sure when Pip went to a jerk with a sharp tongue to a not-quite jerk with a wicked tongue, but he did, which is why she’s pinned against the wall of the loft, her legs spread and his tongue just there. She has her fist in her mouth, doing her best to keep from making a sound that might be loud enough to bring Wendy and/or Tyler from upstairs and turn this into a public humiliation instead of a private one.

It’s not as if she doesn’t know how to handle humiliation or disappointment. You don’t get this far in life being the daughter of Dr. Barbara Thornfield, MD, PhD without knowing that, but somehow being caught sprawled against a flat surface with her skirt around her hips and Pip between her legs would be a little more than she could handle.

She’s tempted not to care though when his hands slide up the back of her thighs to the curve of her buttocks, squeezing lightly as his tongue flicks across her clit fast and hard before he traces around it. She can taste blood as she bites down on her knuckle in an effort to remain silent, but sound leaks out as he teases his teeth over the nub. She doesn’t know how he got so good at this considering he’s Pip, and she isn’t sure she really wants to know, but she’s wet from his tongue and what his tongue is doing and she groans softly, coming hard against his tongue.

For merle_p who wanted Brothers & Sisters: Scotty/Kevin with someone watching


He has an excuse for being here this late, but nothing resembling one for standing here by the partially open door of Kevin’s office. The staff is gone for the day - it’s a government holiday, after all - but there’s always work to do, and he knows Kevin’s the kind who would come in to do it, to look good for his boss. Which would explain why he’s here and probably goes a long way to explain why he’s bent over his desk, hands curved around the opposite edge, shirt pushed up his back and groaning beneath his breath, begging for more as Scotty stands behind him, pushing in deep.

He wants to close his eyes and just listen, to put himself in Scotty’s place, but he forces himself to watch instead. Watch the touch of Scotty’s hands on Kevin’s hips, on his back. Scotty has long, tapered fingers that seem to elicit just as much reaction from Kevin as the thrust of Scotty’s cock, and he watches as Kevin pushes back, wanting more.

Scotty’s face is flushed, his eyes closed as he falls into the age-old rhythm. His hands settle and tighten on Kevin’s hips and they move together in concert - pushing and pulling, thrusting and sliding. He can feel his own body responding, but keeps watching, knowing he has to see it to its inevitable conclusion, knowing he wants to, which means all the more that he shouldn’t.

It comes on gasps and groans as they give up on silence, Scotty moaning Kevin’s name and Kevin begging for more. He leans against the doorframe and listens, closing his eyes now and remembering, pretending, wishing. As the last sounds die into ragged breaths, he pushes away from the wall and hurries to Robert’s office, dropping the promised papers on his desk before kneeling down to pray for forgiveness.

For leobrat who wanted King Arthur: Dagonet/Guinevere


She is a tiny thing is his first thought, barely more child than Lucian, but he sees as they lay her out on the ground that she’s a woman, though barely just. It is clear that Arthur senses something in her, and clearer still that Lancelot does as well, but Dagonet simply looks at her, wondering what she’s thinking. They are primal and wild and yet he is able to soothe the child. Perhaps he can soothe her too.

The Lady leaves him alone with Lucian and Guinevere when she checks on her own child, when she speaks to Arthur in hushed tones. Lucian is asleep and huddled in a corner like a bundle of rags tossed aside. The girl is looking at him with wide eyes and he moves over her, looking down. There is no fear in her and it excites him, the direct challenge that she gives him.

He gathers her robes and dresses in his hand, pushing them out of the way. Her eyes narrow, but not with anger, and he moves them further still, exposing her body. She is too thin, too twisted from being caged, and he knows the feeling of chains and bondage. He slides a hand between her legs. She refuses to look away as she spreads them for him, as he presses one sword-rough finger against her heat.

She arches up without a sound and he takes it as invitation, sliding a finger inside her. She is tight and hot, but she moves down against him in a way that implies knowledge. He huffs a hot breath and slides another finger in, thrusting them deeper. She writhes and grinds, completely silent, barely stirring the air as wetness floods around his fingers and she eases back to the floor of the wagon, her eyes closing as he tugs her clothes back down around her.

For angylinni who wanted RPS: Jamie/Katee


He’s in LA for the weekend, meetings lined up from end to end along with promises to see old friends. He has dinner with Ioan and Math on the night he gets in, and he refuses to make any other plans with them, laughingly reminding them that he has other friends in LA now. They pout petulantly, but he’s known them too long for it to be anything other than play, so he buys another round them stumbles back to his hotel to get some sleep.

That’s his plan, but plans are meant to go awry, to be fucked with. He learned that on the Galactica set. Hell, on every set, but it doesn’t mean he stops hoping. Of course, there are certain things that fuck with his plans that he doesn’t mind at all.

She’s on his bed wearing nothing at all, lying on her stomach and watching TV. Her feet are in the air and she looks like some sort of wanton teenager out of a porn film rather than who and what she is. He closes the door and leans against it. “Do I want to know how you got in?”

She rolls over onto her back, exposing herself to him, and he can feel his body respond. He’s memorized her, though he locks it away in the back of his mind because she’s so different physically - and in every other way - from Kerry. She’s all lush curves and abandon and he doesn’t even bother trying to protest as he walks across the room to the bed, shedding his clothes as he does.

Her feet are on the pillows and she spreads her legs for him, inviting him into her. He kneels between her legs and bends down to kiss the swollen nub of her clit before straightening, closing his eyes as she works the condom on his prick. “Fuck, Katee,” he breathes as he pushes into her, burying himself as deep as he can as she wraps her legs around him.

“Fuck me, Jamie.”

He doesn’t need a second command. Doesn’t need the first if he’s honest. He braces himself over her and thrusts, hips grinding against hers as they rock together, far too close for co-stars, too far apart to be lovers. Her nails rake over his back and arms through the layer of perspiration on his skin and she gasps his name, her entire body arched into him. Jamie buries his face against her neck, tasting her on his tongue as he pushes toward his climax, groaning a shuddering breath against her skin as he comes.

brothers & sisters, king arthur, copilots, ficlet - 02/09, a special hell, middleman, pick-a-porn

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