
Jun 07, 2008 12:42

Have opted out of baseball game to be sickly. Am hopped up on cold meds and ibuprofen for cramps. Seriously, body, you have a plot to destroy me, don't you? Of course, destroying *me* means destroying *you*, so you might want to rethink that. Also, when I am exhausted? Let's not pick a fight with insomnia and see who wins, okay? Because the answer will be "Not Laura". Hands down.

Living room is clean, kitchen is about 85% and dining room looks like a disaster area. Will do that while kidlet and husband are baseballing. Have youngest kidlet home, but he's good to sit there and watch Word World for hours. Have to clean the bathroom (the scourge of having two young boys, let me tell you) and the kidlets rooms for party tomorrow, but that shouldn't be too bad, as cleaned them up last week pretty thoroughly.

I need to put the rest of my Truckers CDs on the ipod. Maybe I'll do that today. Lines from a Jason/Shonna breakup fic that wants to be written keep popping out at me. one is "It wasn't one thing or another, it was everything and nothing." The other one is something about Jason being on tour and Shonna playing bass and not being on tour and then being on tour together and Jason not talking about things, but singing about them, but never singing them to Shonna. I don't know. It's percolating. We'll have to see.

I would like a nap. Also I would like my boss to call so I can start doing the work stuff I need to do so I can get it done and go to bed earlyish tonight. I'm just wiped, you guys. And tomorrow there will be eight children (at least) under the age of 10 at my house. *weeps*
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