(no subject)

Jun 01, 2008 18:43

You know the day's gone bad when Target thwarts you.

For the most part, it was all going along well until I made the mistake of running errands. Before then it was writing fic and chatting with quicknow and watching a streaming concert of the DBTs. But then I went to Babies R Us to buy a crib for a girl at work (we're all chipping in on it) and they didn't have it and told me it was only available online. So I went to the grocery store and bought groceries, as you do. I was even nice and bought watermelon for the youngest kidlet as it is his most favoritest ever.

Then I came home and looked up the crib, which is not available in stores, and not available online at this time. So I went to Target online, where she's also registered, and found the other crib she has listed, which is $40 more, but whatever. And none of the really local stores have it, so I decide to order it online, until I see that it costs ALMOST as much in shipping as the product itself. So I look, and one of the stores about 30 minutes from here has it, so I pack up something else I have to return and head out there. Only to find out they don't have it, but they might get it in before Friday, which is when the shower is. Which normally wouldn't be so bad, except this week is crazy-ass busy all week, and I don't know that I'll have time to jaunt to any of the Targets that might get it in.

Then I came home after dealing with the stupidestly designed parking lot EVER and thus giving myself a headache that not even Mike Cooley singing to me could fix and hubby asked me what I wanted for dinner and after the passive/aggressive deciding of BBQing, I was informed I had to go get buns or he'd turn the grill off. So I went to get buns, only the store right by the house was closed, so I had to go back to the grocery store and buy them, and get caught by every stinking red light because I ended up going the long way to check out the other (closed) shop.

Also, the other night I slept weird with my hand against my mouth, so I have a cut on the inside of my lip where I smooshed my lip against my teeth, and it hurts, and all the things I eat seem to make it hurt worse. And my headache hasn't gone away. So tonight I shall have ice cream and wear pajamas and listen to Jason Isbell sing all about a Goddamn Lonely Love. Because that seems fitting. And also write about pretty boys getting beaten up.

Sigh. I think that's a clear sign that someone should write me some porn.

mrs. smith

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