Pick-A-Porn: Round Six

May 01, 2008 13:51

For mardia -

Jason is lying sprawled on the bed, the sheet tangled around his ankles, and the sun feathering across his skin. Kevin stands in the bathroom doorway and thinks it’s really kind of a pity that Jason’s devoted to God, because he’s hot enough to be one himself. Kevin’s gotten past expecting lightning strikes for such thoughts, but he still pauses before taking a step forward.

Kevin’s well aware that he should just let Jason sleep. He’d had a late night, counseling an upset young man who had just realized he was gay, and hadn’t crawled into bed with Kevin until nearly five in the morning. But still, it’s a lazy Saturday, Kevin has no obligations and, no matter tired Jason is, a part of him is already up.

Kevin crawls up the foot of the bed, teasing the sheet away from Jason’s leg so that he’s completely naked, sprawled across the half of the bed Kevin had vacated just a few minutes ago. Kevin strokes the warm line of Jason’s calf, planting a row of kisses along the tanned skin. The hair on his legs teases Kevin’s lips as he moves up, from calf to knee before sliding his tongue along the smooth skin of Jason’s inner thigh.

“Mmmm.” Jason murmurs, shifting slightly, parting his legs even more as Kevin moves higher, licking the sensitive skin at the juncture of hip and thigh, nibbling lightly as he moves back down before teasing the tip of his tongue over Jason’s balls. Jason makes a small noise in response, his body arching just a little, his cock hardening more. “Mmmm.”

Kevin takes the skin at the base of Jason’s cock into his mouth, sucking on it and tugging just slightly. Jason takes a quick, indrawn breath that shifts his breathing completely, and now Kevin can hear the heaviness of each inhale. He allows himself a smile as he runs his tongue up Jason’s cock to the tip, licking the bead of moisture from the slit before looking up at Jason.

Jason’s eyes are hooded and dark with sleep, with desire. Kevin smiles at him and swipes his tongue across the head again. “Morning.” Jason responds with a low, husky rumble that’s not quite a word, but encouragement all the same. Kevin smiles once more and opens his mouth, breathing on the hard, hot skin before taking it into his mouth, his tongue tracing the vein on the underside as Kevin takes Jason deep.

Closing his eyes, Kevin focuses on the feel of Jason, keeping his mouth tight around him. Jason’s soft noises barely penetrate past the rush of blood in Kevin’s ears as he strokes Jason slowly with his mouth, his tongue hitting pressure points until Jason’s arched and loud enough that Kevin can hear him begging. Jason buries his fingers in Kevin’s hair, fisting in the short strands, grasping and gasping as he comes.

For Ficless in Florida -

Romo’s left them alone to stew in their own juices, probably assuming the guards outside the door will stop them from killing each other should that particular problem arise. Lee does his best to ignore Baltar, and for his part, Baltar seems content to sit in the corner on the cot and talk to himself. Insanity would be a far easier road to go, but Lee imagines all of them have to be more than a little bit insane by this point.

“Do you know…” Baltar speaks, his voice pitched slightly louder to either remind Lee that he’s there or actually address Lee.

“Don’t talk.”

Baltar’s brow furrows into a frown and he stands up, walking over to Lee. “I would think that, given the charges you’re fighting to keep me alive, me speaking freely would be a given.”

“That would be you assuming that I give a frak about anything you have to say.” Lee rakes his fingers through his hair, shifting in his seat. There’s something strange about these clothes, about wearing them. They feel like a costume, something unreal. “Which, in case that wasn’t clear, I don’t.”

“I really didn’t intend on talking.” Baltar kneels in front of him, his hands surprisingly firm on Lee’s knees as he spreads them. Lee starts to say something and Baltar gives him a look that causes Lee to fall silent. “You shouldn’t either.”

Lee swallows hard, surprised at his compliance. He’s not sure if he should chalk it up to frustration with his life and the women in it, with the fact that everything he does seems to set the people he loves against him, or just the sheer inability to process that Baltar - Gaius frakking Baltar - is undoing Lee’s slacks and easing his cock out of the fabric and into his mouth.

Preservation starts to kick in and Lee knows he should kick Baltar’s ass across the room, but then there’s heat and wet and tight around him, and he knows that right now he doesn’t have the ability to do it. Lee closes his eyes and slides forward on his seat, giving Baltar better access to his body, feeling hands and heat and suction. “Frak,” Lee whispers roughly, one hand curled around the edge of the table and the other around the edge of the chair. He can feel the tightness in his knuckles and knows they’re standing out white. “Stop.”

Baltar takes him deeper and something explodes behind Lee’s eyes, red flashing lights and white stars and spidery metal spinning out of control as he comes. He opens his eyes slowly, meeting Baltar’s hot gaze. “Consider it a down payment. Counselor.”

For xbeyondinsanex -

Horatio eyes move from the girl to Archie as he sinks down in the chair, his clothes discarded somewhere between the door and where he’s now sitting, inhibition given up at the bottom of whatever number of bottle it was they finished before making their twisted, winding, stumbling way up the stairs. The girl is buxom and pale, her mouth painted wine red and nearly as dark as her eyes as she looks over at Horatio, pulling away from the kiss she shared with Archie.

Her body is lush and full, but Horatio moves his gaze to Archie as he guides the girl over to Horatio, urging her knees on either side of Horatio’s hips, legs aligned with Horatio’s thighs. “Look at her, Horatio.”

Horatio doesn’t though. He lets his gaze linger on the dark golden hair on Archie’s chest, the muscles that move and ripple under his skin as he holds the girl, his large hands curving around to slide over her breasts as she sinks down on Horatio. He breaks the contact then, addressing the owner of the hot flesh that surrounds him, kissing her and tasting nothing like wine, despite all that they’ve had to drink.

“So lovely.” Archie’s breath brushes over the girl’s shoulder and to Horatio’s neck, and those blue eyes are only looking at Horatio. There’s something in Archie’s stare that makes Horatio’s breath catch, even more than when the girl starts moving, less than when Archie presses her breasts and his hands against Horatio’s chest, leaning in to brush his tongue along the corners of their mouths as the girl kisses Horatio.

It’s only natural to turn his head, to taste the heat and weight of Archie’s tongue, only proper to include him as Archie slides a finger down, his knuckle brushing Horatio’s prick as he begins teasing at the hard nub between the girls parted flesh. There is movement like the ship in the storm, never quite sure of where wind and water will strike, and suddenly the girl is mewling with something that sounds like pleasure bordered on pain and Archie is breathing hard and hands - hands - everywhere. All three of them in a tangle, unsure of endings and beginnings.

It takes him a moment to realize that Archie is inside the girl as well, thrusting in unison with the upward thrusts that Horatio is making, and he can feel the slide of Archie’s cock against his own, pressure and release with every stroke. The knowledge couples with the feeling and Horatio loses control, spending inside the girl as she grasps tight at the chair behind him, moaning her own release in the dark strands of her own hair as Archie drives himself to completion and slumps against them both.

ficlet - 04/08, brothers & sisters, hornblower, pick-a-porn, bsg

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