I have done things.

Apr 15, 2018 11:27

Let's start with chronologically.

I don't know if I mentioned, but I bought a photo op (and an autograph because I have no impulse control and friends who are ENABLERS) with Sebastian Stan at Wizard World Portland. I just bought them individually, but if I ever do this again in the future, I'd have to go for the VIP package so there is actually TIME to say hello and take pictures and be awed by his amazingly beautifulness. But more about that later.

I also managed to accidentally buy a photo op for Chris Evans when he's in Seattle for Ace Comic Con. Had I known better (and been richer), I would have gone with the VIP option for him (and don't think I'm not still thinking about it, because you know I am - see aforementioned lack of impulse control). I'm taking one of my friends as a birthday/christmas present, so that will be funner, I think. To have someone to FLAIL with. That's in June, so I should have enough time to calm down about Sebastian by then. (no)

But to get to the truly important things!

On April 1st, Ian Crawford released his first solo album, Grand Wheel. (buy it, especially if you are a guitar person, because he's FUCKING AMAZING). He had a release party at a local bar where he plays a lot, and I did the attending thing. He is adorable, which I already knew, and his band that he plays with is filled with incredibly talented (and I'm pretty sure dorky) people. Seriously, it was great. Sadly it was late and I had been up for many hours and was TIRED, so I didn't stay for the non-album-release part of jam-session.

Anyway - here's some pictures. CUTEST MUPPET.

That same weekend I helped a friend move and I am covered with ALL OF THE BRUISES. Seriously. it's ridiculous. I am made of mottled skin. I went for a massage on the following Thursday and the therapist mentioned it and I made sure she knew what it was from, because she sounded a little concerned. I also saw "Blockers" which is 10000000% not what the previews made it out to be. It's funny and sweet and sex-positive and queer-positive and full of emotions for parents at the stage I am (kidlet close to graduating and moving on in his life - though he'll be going to college locally, so he'll still be here, but also not, because COLLEGE).

Then I went to Portland yesterday. Three hours each way IN A FUCKING DELUGE OF RAIN. You know how you never use the super fast, highest setting on your windshield wipers? Yeah. I used that. A LOT. Also standing water? Not fun.

But. Sebastian Stan.

First though, let's talk about the con and how I spent over half of it mentally criticizing and reorganizing because it was BADLY DONE. Badly timed, badly everythinged. I'm beginning to think they had NO IDEA how popular Sebastian was, which doesn't make sense BECAUSE EVERYTHING WAS PRESOLD. Seriously. IDIOTS.

Anyway, the VIP photos started late (BADLY ORGANIZED) and when they were supposed to finish, he was supposed to go sign autographs FOR FIFTEEN MINUTES. Needless to say, I'm pretty sure that didn't happen. Then they started the general admission photo ops, and it was like "okay, come here. photo, go away". So there wasn't a lot of time to say more than "hi!" (or in my case, "would you hold my hamster?") Sadly, because of the hamster thing, I didn't get a hug or a smile (though I got sort of a "why am I holding this hamster?" look). However, I did get to put my arm around him and he is incredibly soft (or his sweater was), and he smelled all good and clean and fresh, and he is beautiful.

Please ignore the me part of the picture.

Then he did a Q&A which was DELIGHTFUL. He's funny and sweet and just adorable. Here's a link to someone else's video and seriously. DELIGHTFUL. Q&A. Sadly they started talking before everyone was in there, so there are parts in the beginning that were missed. Sad.

And I took pictures: Sebastian being beautiful. Please excuse the not-perfectness of them. I was farther away than I'd hoped, and I was maybe a little shaky. Not having a full-fledge panic attack, mind you. I did that in the car when I parked.

For the autographs, they offered pictures you could get, but I'm unsure how, when the picture is of Sebastian Stan, they failed to have particularly GOOD pictures, so I just had him sign the one I had taken

I also babbled at him for the five seconds I had about "I, Tonya" and how much I loved it and saw it in the theater four times (he sort of boggled about that) and how he helped make it a different movie every time, and that I appreciated that. At least, I think that's what I said. because HE LOOKED AT ME.

Anyway, so then it was about five, and I had a thing in Seattle at eight. So I hauled ass northward. IN THE DELUGE, and got to the venue about 7:55, car running on fumes of fumes. Parked and walked through the did-I-mention DELUGE to the venue, which wasn't far away (thankfully). Fortunately it was seated, so I didn't have to scramble to find redheadaholic. We were there to see Andrea Gibson (an AMAZING poet - seriously, look up their stuff), and her opener was Chastity Jones, who was amazing as well (amazing is apparently my WORD). As was her guitarist.

Yesterday was A LOT.

Today, I'm journeying eastward to pop in at the end of Bitchin' Party so I can see faces of people I love before they all go home.

[Edited because I forgot that I am seeing Dallon Weekes tomorrow night. OMG, I suck at planning]

And then I'm working five days instead of my regular three, and then taking a friend north to the Tulip Festival for her birthday, and then the following day, I'm going right back up there and helping my mom with some stuff.


Or sleep. Or something.

Anyway. What have you been up to?
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