Things, stuff, and what-have-yous

Nov 29, 2015 17:26

A - I have an appointment tomorrow for an ultrasound on my leg to make sure the blood clots aren', clotting. I haven't had any problems, so I'm guessing I'll get an all-clear. I don't know if that means I'll have to go back in six months still or what, but a win is a win.

B - Three of the four loads into laundry, the washer started doing weird things. We've got it unplugged to see if that helps. Fingers crossed.

C - Tomorrow is my posting day for the Shameless Big Bang. My first posting day. I have two.

D - I have a bunch of stuff I have to donate and get out of my house, and a bunch of stuff to take up to my mom's and drop off for summer garage sales (a few shoes, mostly purses). We're hosting Christmas Eve with my family at my house, so there's lots of clean up to be done. I'm sure, at some point, I will have time to do this. Otherwise it will be a crazy frenzy in a couple weeks. Possibly both. I'm pretty sure I won't have time to go up to my mom's, so I need to take that stuff out to the garage.

E - There are two things at my house that drive me insane. One is the 55 gallon fish tank/algae collector that no longer houses any fish, but continues to sit in my living room. The second is the red car that's been in my house for 16 years, and was last used about...9 years ago. I have given up hope that the car will ever NOT be in my driveway. But we're moving the fishtank out before Christmas. It'll go in the garage (where all things go to die - and I do mean ALL THINGS) and maybe hubby will use it again at some point or sell it. Knowing his track record? The answer is no, but I'm giving him the benefit of the doubt.

F - I'm waiting for a few orders to come in and then I'll be completely done Christmas shopping. Yes, I know. It's a thing. To be fair, I've cut back significantly this year. Which...well, I tend to go overboard, so I'm probably still overboard, but not as FAR. I LOVE GIVING PEOPLE THINGS. I can't help it. I am showing SIGNIFICANT restraint and NOT wrapping until after the first. I do have SOME self-control. (this is a lie. my husband won't let me wrap yet) (well, he can't really stop me, but I'm aware of the looks I would get if I did wrap, so I'm saving myself the eye-rolling)

G - It was a good Thanksgiving. Pretty low-key. Kidlet and I did a bit of Black Friday-ing just for fun. Didn't really buy anything, and the crowds seemed much less crazy. Not sure if it's because of the internet or a lack of something big big big. I did stop by Michaels on Friday, and the Toys R Us next to them was sealed off because they'd had a fire. And I'm very proud that the first question I asked was "Is everyone okay", suppressing the retail side of me and saying "Oh, fuck. There go their numbers for the year".

H - Hopefully am getting back into the writing groove. I made words today, which is different than most days lately.

I - I am now going to make pizza because I am hungry. Perhaps more alphabet another time.

life or something like it

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