Emotionally compromised by William Beckett: An autobiography

Feb 18, 2015 15:48

So I went and saw William on both Friday and Saturday. Now, mind you, I knew going in that he was going to be playing TAI songs. I was aware of this and still opted to attend. Because A) I love him and B) am apparently a glutton for punishment. I thought I was prepared.

But the first thing we saw when we came in was the tour shirt, which is NOT OKAY. It's a shot from a TAI show with "The good things will live in our hearts" at the bottom. NOT. O-FUCKING-KAY. And then there was singing and then there was Laura having a shot of tequila (the first drink I've had in...um, years?) because I was shaking so hard and on the verge of tears and EMOTIONALLY COMPROMISED. Now, mind you, when I drink I drink tequila and I'm not supposed to drink tequila because tequila makes me friendlier (and hands-ier) than normal, though me_maneuver and sadiane assure me that I touched or said anything inappropriate.

He played "The Phrase that Pays" (which nearly ended my friendship with inlovewithnight because I called her so she could hear it because not sharing TAI with her was actually physically impossible. TAI is OUR band, you guys. Like devastatingly so. Being there without her didn't seem right. She probably wishes it HAD because, you know, EVERYTHING, but what's done is done. ANYWAY. He did "Slow Down" and "Classifieds" and two of his own songs - "By Your Side" (which he says is Evie's favorite song, but he thinks that's because he mentions her in it) and "Just You Wait", which is his song for Courtney. He closed with "Attention" and the crowd sang along and it was a really good show. People were completely into the TAI stuff, singing and just...it was really amazing.

As always he was super sweet and wonderful with us and he told me that all the Woodys I give him are immediately hijacked by Evie when he gets home. Which, given the source of the joke, is a little disturbing, but it's nice to know he's *keeping* them. This time, along with some Jamesons, I got him a Twin Peaks shirt - I bought two sizes because I wasn't sure what he wears, and I told him to give the second one to Nathan Wrann who is his friend and a big Twin Peaks fan and I was promised a picture of the two of them in their matching shirts. I also got him a Woody bookmark, since this was the first day of the tour and he didn't need something that took up space. As tempted as I was to get him the Tickle Me Woody (not it's real name, but... well: http://www.target.com/p/toy-story-lots-of-laugh-woody/-/A-14218545)

Portland show photos

A lovely brunch and ice cream with the ladies and then I headed north. I got there in perfect time - getting to the doors of the bar about 15 minutes before it opened. There were four folks hanging out there and we started talking and they are also Beckett fans, so it was fun.

He was much less nervous at the Seattle show and the crowd...man. Everyone was singing along and there was such an amazing energy. He did the same set, but he added in "About a Girl" (because he wasn't busy singing everything like he was in Creed). He told stories:

They made a video for "Classifieds" that involved them in front of a green screen and they added in dollhouses and puppet strings and they were like "I don't know, man." and they showed it to Pete and he was like, "I don't know, man." and then they showed it to Gabe who thought it was AMAZING and they should release it. So they didn't.

He also decided to consider the cost of the 19 year old (him) in the video (which, let's be honest, was just as not okay as the previously described one), and while Portland priced him at 16.95 instead of 9.95, in Seattle he just talked about inflation and the changing market for 19-year-old boys. Sometimes I worry about him, you guys.

The biggest difference between Portland and Seattle was that in Portland he had the man-bun and his hat. In Seattle he had his hair down. Which...I was STRONGER emotionally in Seattle until THAT. I mean...it was just a LOT.

Seattle show photos

Chatted with him some afterwards - bought him a drink when the initial line of fangirls finished, and then hung around until the very end with the four folks I had met at the start of the show. They were great, and he was great, and it was a good time.

As for the other acts - Brick + Mortar who opened the show were AMAZING. Two stoner Jersey bffs making music that is positive and ridiculous and fun. They won over the crowd both nights and were self deprecating and ridiculous. I enjoyed them a lot. And Motion City Soundtrack was a lot of fun. We didn't stay for their set on Monday, but I hung around on Tuesday (note to self: Taking the day off after shows is SO MUCH SMARTER) and they had a great energy and the crowd was really psyched up. And they hung around after the show too and signed stuff, so it was a really positive thing.

But the pre-emptive tequila helped.

So. Emotionally compromised SO MUCH. In a lot of ways I'm really glad I *didn't* go to the Boise show, but I'm also bummed that I won't be there tonight. Ugh. I love him, you guys.

on the bandomwagon, william beckett

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