Oct 23, 2014 20:43
I am back from China and have 123429374928374928374 billion pictures to go through, so will post links to those and a recap when they're all dealt with.
Suffering from the worst jetlag. And also the worst/strongest desire to eat nothing but candy. Caaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaandy.
Checked the eldest's report card and he's failing English and almost failing science - two of the classes that actually count on his GPA. Pretty sure most of the failing is a result of just lack of doing things/lack of turning them in. I want to wring his neck, but all I did was tell him what his grade currently was (right before conferences), and I'll leave it at that. He's got to take responsibility for his actions, right?
Only 24 days until I have a Beckett. I should, at some point, make a list of who will be there. That would probably be wise. Also must figure out treats. What does one feed a captured Beckett?