Things, stuff, and whooziwhatsits.

May 04, 2014 22:47

Write 5000+ words of a Captain America AU that is all because of rivers_bend. I'm not in Captain America fandom at all and I wouldn't call myself fannish about it, but I can see lots of stories in the universe that could be told, so I'm trying my hand at it. Words are coming, which is nice.

I also have two more fisting stories that I'm working on. One is being difficult but I think I've figured out how to solve it, and the other just needs me to type it up and finish it off.

We had a mandatory meeting at work on Friday and it was four of the most horrible hours of my life. I don't ever want to talk about it again, but it's seriously changed my work attitude. One of my co-workers who I spent Saturday afternoon with for fun things said I had "sad energy". That's where I'm at now.

I still need to take pictures of my cute dresses and supercute shoes to go with said dresses. Sister-in-law's wedding is this weekend. Crazy how quickly it's all come. Three more months and I get to hang out with inlovewithnight and lots of other east coast friends! Super excited for that, because AWESOME.

I work a short shift tomorrow and then Tuesday and Wednesday. I have eighty million things to do on Thursday, and we'll leave early Friday morning. Assuming I can get all the boys out of the house on time. I've told the hubby I want to leave by eight, which means we'll leave by 10.

Okay. Time for bed. Goodnight, internets.
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