
May 01, 2014 19:27

I have been on a spree of buying cute dresses spurred on by the fact that I needed a dress for my sister-in-law's wedding next weekend. I now have two new fancy dresses, one semi-fancy-ish dress, and four spring/summery casual dresses. Apparently I'm in the mood for dresses.

Other than that, I'm not sure what I've been doing. Working. I do a lot of that. Last weekend I went to see Captain America with some girls from work and it was a great time. It made me realize something. Well, a few things, but one really important thing (the non-important thing is that I get really upset and freaked out when I'm running late which I pretty much knew). We went to an upscale bar & grill, and I bought dinner for everyone. I was trying to figure out the impulse to do so, and I think I figured it out.

I am, very fortunately, in a position where my paycheck is not essential to our living situation. It's not "extra", because no money is "extra" unless you're in a totally different tax bracket, but it's not vital to our survival. I work hard for what I earn and I've been enduring a SHITLOAD of frustration for it as well. So I'm going to use my money - or a portion of it - to do things I want to do. Go to concerts. Go to movies. Buy dinner for my friends as a treat every once in a while. Surprise people with ridiculous gifts they don't need or know what to do with, but that make them smile.

I finished making my PTA teacher appreciation gifts last weekend as well with the help of redheadaholic, so those are done AHEAD OF TIME. Which is new and exciting for me. We're going to be gone all next weekend for the wedding. Shit, then on the 12th, I have The Old 97s. (sweat on me, Rhett Miller). Then June for empires, August for visits to the east coast, and September is Fall Out Boy at the state fair. Hopefully there will be Beckett in there at some point as well.

Will eventually take pictures of the dresses and the PTA gifts and share those. In a separate post, I'll put up the Mikey/Gerard fisting ficlet that I wrote for inlovewithnight's CommentFist Fisting fic fest. Which everyone should participate in. It's multifandom, so everyone can play!
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