Fangirls, Fall Out Boy, and Feelings (the recap)

Jun 30, 2013 20:03

So I realized that, other than the post of emo (befitting a post about seeing FOB in concert, yes?), I haven't posted about the week of FANGIRLS, FALL OUT BOY, AND FEELINGS.

Okay, so. Monday was the boys' last day of school. They got home, we went to lunch, I booked it up to my Mom's to drop them off. Mind you, to get to my Mom's, I have to either cross the I-5 bridge that collapsed (not doable) or find an alternate route that wouldn't take 8 million hours. That was deemed impossible, so got there later than expected, and pretty much dropped the kids and ran, since I had to go through the bridge gauntlet again to get to the airport to pick up inlovewithnight. Raced south and managed to get there with just enough time to run to Target to pick up a few things I needed (like Excedrin). Scooped up my BFF and hauled her to my house where we pretty much collapsed, as she was coming off the heels of a weekend of wedding, and I am an old lady.

The next morning we got up early and headed to Portland for shenanigans! We got to the line and pennyplainknits, sadiane, and concinnity were holding an amazing spot in line. Night and I said hello and dropped off a few things after hugs and obtaining a comic from C (I will be using the first initials because there are A LOT of fangirls involved here), because she is amazing. We tooled around Powells and the city a bit (Pictures) and then dropped our stuff off at the car, running into fleurdeliser, melusina, redoliphant, and ktc. There were more hugs and then we dropped our stuff off and went in search of drink type stuffs. We stopped at a Starbucks (because Pacific NW) and while Night was in using the restroom, Andy Hurley walked by.



So I tell Night when she comes out, but by then it's far too late to chase him like crazy people, so we head back to the line where there is much hang-outage, now with added gorgeous_nerd! (some of these names are probably wrong on LJ because I have everyone friended on DW, but I don't know how to do that, so sorry). There was chatting and knitting and silliness and Fluevoging and eating amazingly rich Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Brownie Bombs and then feeling a little sick. Night and I went for another walk because she was getting a headache, so we stopped at a Starbucks (a different one) and I ordered something to drink and she was sitting at a table, and while I was waiting for my drink, there was a guy waiting for his drinks and he had a paper beside him that said things like "Pete" and "AJ" and "Brent" and "Joe's". (evidence: Coffee order) Now, we're not even a block from the venue, so I know who these coffees (and Chai Tea for Andy) are for. As evidence exhibit 2, the girls behind me in line were ordering and the barista asked them what they were up to that night and they were like "OMG WE'RE GOING TO A FALL OUT BOY CONCERT", and the barista making the drinks for the guy in front of me gave him a smile/eye roll of "I know a seeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeecret". He left when he got his drinks, leaving the paper behind, so it is now in my possession, because I am that person.

After that we got back in line and me_maneuver was there and then stuff was hauled back to cars, and then there was this concert thing. You know. With band dudes. At the Roseland, which is an amazing venue of amazingness. Some of us were in the balcony and some of us were on the floor and then there was FALL OUT BOY. And everything was beautiful and nothing hurt. Because *Patrick* and *Pete* and *Andy* and *Joe*. And Marcus! And THEIR SONGS. (Pictures)

So that was a thing.

After the show, there were hoarse voices and many hugs, and then Night and I headed up to Seattle because we are crazy people and we had a show the next night. Driving wasn't too bad except for the times I crossed over the bumps on the side of the road because falling asleep, but we made it home in one piece. There was again the immediate falling into bed, which was great. The next day the show was at the Showbox Sodo which has a bar that opens two hours before doors and so we didn't have to line up, which was aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaawesome. I let Night sleep in until 12:30 and then she did her run and I walked the school track then we showered and headed down to Seattle. We had lunch at this cute little Italian place that desfinado and I discovered the first time I met her, and then we strolled around Pioneer Square, heading back to the venue. We had amazing parking at the venue because I have amazing parking luck most of the time, so we strolled casually, meandering into an art gallery.

The gallery is AMAZING. It's called heART and it's art done entirely by people who are autistic. We went in because there was a painting in the window that captured both of our eyes, so I asked the man working there how much it was. He said "Eleven-fifty", and I was pretty sure he didn't mean 11 dollars and 50 cents, so I swallowed my tongue a little. He also told me he had glicees, which were much less expensive. He showed me the area at the back of the gallery which was devoted to this artist's work. It was so gorgeous and amazing and I kind of wanted all of it, but LOL NO. He was telling me all about the artist and how he paints and how it takes him an hour at the most and that there are all these plans for this artist, and then he confessed he was the artist. Just...His stuff, you guys. It's beautiful. I ended up buying this one and this one (which is the one we saw in the window). His stuff is just AMAZING. (Website - Michael Tolleson)

We tucked those in my car and sat there with the windows down talking about stuff (Fall Out Boy) and eating chocolate chip cookies, and then we went to check if we could get in, and the bar was already open (because two hours before doors does not mean two hours before showtime, Laura). The good tables were taken, but we had some food and chilled until the show started. I left Night guarding our table and scouted places to take pictures. We ended up moving to the back of the bar where there is a raised area and a very nice young man who was there because his wife likes FOB let Night have his chair and he and I chatted about the military (he's in the Army and I'm a Navy brat) until the show started. We were super far away, at the VERY back of the venue, but my camera (Canon PowerShot SX40 HS) was amaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaazing, and I got great shots anyway. ( Pictures)

After Seattle we headed home and crashed again, but not before Night informed me that during "Death Valley" when Patrick sings "I want to see your animal side", Pete puts his hand behind him and waves it like a tail. I was psyched to see this in Vancouver. We crashed again and headed up early the next day to Vancouver BC (and fortunately the temporary bridge on I-5 was up), getting across the border in record time. The border guard asked us where we were going, and I told him it was to a concert, and he asked who was playing and I said, "Fall Out Boy, but don't try to go. It's totally sold out." He laughed because NOT a FOB guy. We tooled around BC for a while - Stanley Park in the rain, Granville Market, and then up toward the venue. (Pictures)

On our way to Stanley Park we happened to notice these three buses which were, you know, the band's, so we knew we were in the right area for the show. We eventually found parking (don't ask) and the venue (really, DON'T ask), and stopped into a comic shop and heard Pete soundchecking with "Dance Dance" (best bass). We went to Starbucks (because) and chilled out and wrote and drank water and waited for blue_soaring. She showed up and ate a sandwich that was hotter than the surface of the sun, then we got in line.

We were eventually joined by KTC, S, M, and P and went into the venue. I would now like ALL of my concerts to be held at The Commodore Ballroom. OH MY GOD. So swanky and classy. We watched the openers (Mansions, as opposed to New Politics who had opened the last two shows), and then I ran down to meet desfinado to give her her ticket. She joined us and there were hugs and then, you know, another show.

The difference here was that some dude was being a complete ass in the pit, and the band stopped the show and Pete was telling the dude not to be silly, and Patrick threated to turn this show around. The guy kept saying someone else started it and Patrick said "You know how you're in a car with your brother or sister and you're being a jerk and your mom says something and you say 'she started it'? Well, you mom doesn't give a shit, and I don't give a shit either." Patric was AMAZING. Pete threatened they'd stop the show. Eventually everything went back to normal, but Pete was pissed and the band didn't seem like it was having a great time like it had the past two nights. (Pictures)

In Seattle, Night and I had noticed Patrick was throwing more stuff to the crowd and he really did it in Vancouver and he looked not-well, and he apparently was sick. There were some other interesting things - the shows are tight. The opener goes on no later than 8:02 (more likely 7:59). They play for a half hour. The crew takes a half hour. FOB goes on at 9. On the dot pretty much. Their patter is the same. Their set-list is the same. They have a routine down and it's pretty awesome. In Vancouver they were late (9:10) coming on and with the interruption they were running behind schedule. They cut a song (Death Valley, because of course I wanted to see the tail thing) and we're not sure if it's because it's harder on Patrick's (failing/sick) voice, because they were behind, or some other reason. Still an amazing show the boys put on.

And, okay, at the end of Save Rock and Roll when they ALL stand up on risers and Andy stands up behind his drums and they shout/sing "Oh no, we won't go. We don't know when to quit, oh no" That's an amazing moment. A goosebump moment. I look at the pictures of it, and I get all shivery.

After THAT show and amazing poutine, we headed down to my mom's house and crashed. Night woke up sickly, so I made her crawl into one of the beds in another room and chatted with my mom while she made breakfast. I work Night before we left and we trekked home with the kidlets. I dropped Night off at my house, and then took the kids to my in-laws. We were going to do Seattle stuff that day, but with her not feeling well, we took a (much needed) break. Sadly, we weren't able to go to the fangirl dinner with M, S, K, and P with additional brynnmck and rivers_bend. :( :( :(

Slightly recovered the next day, we ventured southward with redheadaholic to Wolf Haven International where we saw wolves (surprisingly enough!). It was very cool, though I got reprimanded for not staying wtih the group. I am a rebel. (Pictures)

After that, we stopped at the Farm Boy restaurant (with requisite Princess Bride references), and then went to Seattle, getting stuck behind an Army convoy, and then walked around the pier and Pike Place Market and rode the Seattle Great Wheel before heading to The Melting Pot for salad, cheese, and dessert. (Pictures)

We dropped of R and then headed home. We chatted a bit and then went to bed because tired. The next day was Sunday and so we got up and Night did her run and I did my walk and then we chatted at each other online (what?) until it was time for her to pack up. We went and had a late dinner at Denny's (tradition) and were ridiculous and got rained on like crazy and then I dropped her at the airport. :( :( :( :(

Then I had the next two days off with my kids (thus not really days off) and then I went to work for a vacation. Heee.

The end.

team pnw, omgrockshow, fall out boy, road trip, viva la fangirl

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