Rock shows!

Mar 07, 2013 07:52

So back in February, I went to see a solo Mike Cooley show. He was doing all Trucker's stuff (except for two covers and one new song) only they were done differently than with the Truckers. It was really kind of cool and also strange, because it was a seated show, and it was just Mike without Patterson's beaming face, but also with Mike's wife who was roadie-ing for him and they were adorable. He loves her, ya'll. I was kind of side-stage because I wanted good pictures of his guitar, but that makes for limited pictures, so there aren't a lot, but my new show camera works nicely for the most part, and there are some significant scruff pictures, if that's your sort of thing.

Mike Cooley at the Tractor Tavern, 2-21-13

Then on Tuesday I went and saw Rhett Miller. My knowledge of Rhett was "Lead singer for The Old 97s", "He's really awesome, go see him", and "he sweats like a crazy sweat machine of sweatiness". With that sort of recommendation, how could I say no? So off I went to The Triple Door, which is a ridiculous sort of venue for Rhett Miller, if you want my personal opinion. It's seated theater dining with pan-Asian cuisine. This just doesn't seem Rhett Miller territory. I mean, it's a decent sized venue, so I'm really happy for him? But still. Weird.

Anyway, he is adorable and looks sort of like Mike Carden when he had his longer hair and he smiles and sweats and has swivelly hips and swings them and his head and his neck and arm around and is just in general amazing. I would like one. Especially the swivel-action one. He told great stories and did I mention adorable? Because yes. He said he'll be back out in the fall probably with The Old 97s, so there shall be more Rhett fangirling.

Was side-stage for this one (best view for lowest price) and of course I picked the side of the stage he rarely looks at (he says his hair is too long over there and so he can't see us), but he did make sure to look our way a few times when the camera was ready. Also he grinned at myself and redheadaholic a couple times because we could see him backstage waiting to do the encore. And also because we are smile-y, beaming dorks. \o/

Rhett Miller with Shelby Earl at The Triple Door, 3-5-13

Also, for the record, redheadaholic is an awesome concert buddy.

omgrockshow, you are here

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