
Jan 27, 2013 16:28

Friday night marked the last day of our scanner being out of the office on vacation, and so one of my co-workers and I went out to celebrate. We had a great dinner and a nice walk and hung out. I tried to offer her encouragement in some life changes she wants to make, cheerleading making brave decisions even if they're small ones. I got home later than anticipated, but it was a good night.

So yesterday I went to Bellevue with redheadaholic to the art museum and we saw three great exhibits - Modern Twist, which is a collection of bamboo sculptures by artists that are currently living in Japan. Some of them were crazy intricate and just...awe-inspiring. I took a couple of pictures that apparently I wasn't supposed to, because I didn't see the sign before I took them, and I'll post those later. It was just really gorgeous stuff.

The main reason we went is to see the art of Nikki McClure who does amazing paper cutting pictures. They had some stuff in the gift shop, but printed copies of her art (while beautiful) lose the intricacy of the paper cutting. Knowing it is amazing, but *seeing* it is just really cool. Especially some of the fine, intricate stuff she does. Just...amazing. It reminded me, to some degree, of Lindsey Way's work, and as I did when she first put up HUSH online, I emailed her letting her know that I'd love to see her stuff in person if she brought it to Seattle or sold prints. I'm sure it will lose something in a print format, but that's the only way I'm ever going to *own* any of it, so... I think her use of color makes it better for the format than McClure's black and white.

The last showing was a group of pacific NW artists called "High Fiber Diet", which was all art works made out of materials of some sort or made to look like material. I took some pictures of that, and we got to vote on our favorite piece. There were two that really wowed me, and a couple that really disturbed me, and redheadaholic and I split the difference and each voted for one of the two we liked and the other voted for the other. moxie had an amazing wool manufacturing work station (pictures to come) and it just really blew us away. and there was this one by jan hopkins called Oh, Eleanor, which is made with flower petals and fruit rinds/peels and fabric.

After that we went to Fatburger and ate burgers and drank ridiculous cokes and chatted and then we went to her house and chatted more and then we went to Pier One and bought a zebra. (not a real zebra)

Then I dropped her off after apologizing a lot for being not myself, and then when I got home I realized I hadn't taken my meds in two days, and so possibly that was why I wasn't feeling right. And then I went on the internet, and I have to say that the people I hang out with on the internet are pretty amazing. However we got here, we are a community of love and support and friendship and commiseration and understanding. And that's a pretty amazing, awesome thing.

Today I hung the picture that hasn't been hung since we moved in and I feel super accomplished about it, I have to admit. I also re-did some other stuff in my room and tidied bags of stuff I had to deal with and installed my other kitchen rack and ordered the last two of them. I have six artists on my computer that I have to listen to before my epic reorganization of the music files is done, and apparently my children have invited themselves up to my mom's tomorrow since they don't have school, so I'm going there. I'll have my tablet though, so email.

All hell broke loose in bandom, and I have many feelings about it, but I haven't really sorted through all of them. In other fannish news though, "The Americans" starts on FX on Wednesday, and I am SUPER EXCITED. MATTHEW RHYS BACK ON MY TV. FICTIONAL CHARACTERS. YAY!

Also - I'm doing this - LJ ][ DW. Sign up! Let me send you things. o__o

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