Writing (or lack thereof) update!

Oct 18, 2012 12:20

I continue to use LJ as if people read it like they did 2-3 years ago. \o/

Fics in progress:

Mike/Courtney - bb!TAI with photography and sexy times
Patrick/Pete - Fake dating
Sean/Tom - Endings, beginnings, and realizations (Title: Written on the Edge of the Bed)
Supersekrit project of doom (Title: Miles to Go)
Gabe/Pete/William - rentboy au (Title: Angels Made of Neon)
Stuff It

Things I am thinking about:

Completely revamping the novel to include Dane's POV for Nano. I wouldn't probably write enough words, but if I work on it every day with the goal of finishing within the month, I think it could count.

I have accomplished some of my list today and done a few things not on it. Also my house smells like chocolate chip cookies. NOM.


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