Detox just to retox.

Mar 15, 2012 16:45

With the help of twitter-peoples, I have made a decision to stop reading a book. I had to get other people's opinions, because I am weird and usually *have* to finish reading a book, even if it is awful, but this one is just...well, it's awful. Because it's by an author I really really like, but I hate every single one of the characters. Not like 'am apathetic toward' or 'could do without them', but actively think they are all terrible horrible people and I don't care if they all die in the fire that will eventually come for them if I go past the 164th page.

One of my 80 goals was to give up caffeine for a week, and so I decided this would be the week to do it. I stopped on Monday night, and have managed to survive so far without killing anyone or getting too many headaches. Of course, I've come down with a cold on top of it all, so I've been taking advil for the aches, which has curbed most of the headaches before they could start.

I am making a warm chicken and pasta dish for dinner, and the thing I hate about those is that I never know what to make for a side. A nice green salad and some green beans probably. And now I am exhausted and pondering bed at 5pm, so I will just post this with my Caesar icon to commemorate the day and try to stay awake until the hubby comes home.

bitchin' in the kitchen, life or something like it

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