(no subject)

Feb 26, 2012 14:13

HA. I have triumphed over the Byron book and finished it last night. Now I'm going to read something light (both mentally and physically) and not quite so brain-taxing or requiring me to remember 890 names, all used sporadically throughout the 761 pages.

I've also made it to the Smiths in my scanning and there are about 150 charts left to go. If the two other girls who do scanning of other stuff stay caught up this week, they should be able to scan, so I'm hoping just two more weeks of it. In some respects, I wish I hadn't scanned my chart yet, because then it could be the last chart. Maybe I'll go through and find the biggest, fattest chart left and save it. Or maybe the thinnest. Or maybe I'll just keep going in alphabetical order.

My period started this morning, only a week late, and I have been absolutely annoying and insane and moody as shit this past week. I blame this as well as forgetting my meds a couple of days. I'm just in a place where I don't know how to deal with the internet or people or anything, and around Oscar time is always when I most keenly feel the loss of a couple of friendships (or lessening of them, I suppose) and I know it's at least half my fault, but that doesn't make it any better or worse.

Today has been errands - grocery store and Michaels, and now I am making two cakes with which to make golf ball cake pops for the retirement party of one of our doctors. He's such a great guy. I'm so sad to see him go. He's the one person who, the minute we merged offices, made an effort to meet all of us and KNOW our names, and he always has a kind word. He's a real gentleman and has a great sense of humor, and I'll miss him a lot. Tomorrow I'll finishe the cake pops and Tuesday night I'll make the mac & cheese for the crockpot for the pot luck. I also have to do laundry in there and maybe write and It's almost MARCH and February has been so sucky for so many of my friends that I'm glad it's ending, but also it will be MARCH and how is that possible, you know?

Also, I'm just really sad how slow and lonely both DW and LJ seem. I know that it's the nature of social media, but I miss my friends and their lives, and I hope you're all doing well and stuff. I don't know. I'm sad and lonely and emotional today. Everything feels like a slight or a snub or something, so I think I'm just going to shut off the computer and hide away for a while.

she's full of secrets, mrs. smith

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