The silicon chip inside her head

Feb 12, 2012 21:55

I took the day off of work even though I was feeling fine, because strength-wise I wasn't quite up to snuff and, to be honest, I just couldn't face a day of it. Sometimes you just need a break. I can't seem to take mental health days when other people are in the office because I have serious guilt issues that would outweigh any benefits thereof, so I take them on the weekends when no one else gets bothered. That said, I didn't scan any charts, so next Friday, when the husband has his game night, I'm probably going to stay late and scan a lot. Oh. Wait. That's this Friday. AWESOME.

Yes, I'm aware I am a freak.

I will also get teriyaki on my way home from work and eat it nom nom [true story: there is a restaurant by my house called Nom Nom Teriyaki] That is not where I go, but the option is there.

Today in a fit of inspiration/organization, I reorganized the computer room and cleaned it up. It looks so PRETTY. I need more storage for my cards, but I'll have to wait until Michael's sends me an awesome coupon or has an awesome sale. I've made my to-do list for tomorrow and am all set to go, and I feel quite industrious. Of course, I'm procrastinating working on a fic by writing this entry, and I may just go to bed instead of finish it tonight, but there's no deadline, so I think that's okay.

Anyway, thanks to everyone for the well-wishes. It ended up being a good weekend for all the craziness, and tomorrow we can get back to normal patterns - until this weekend, when the kidlets have mid-winter break. Which is so ridiculous. Just forget about that and let us get out of school earlier, omg.

Okay, yeah. Bedtime. Let's wake up and kick Monday's ASS.
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