(no subject)

Jan 30, 2012 11:51

Things and such:

* I have been writing! It's kind of awesome. I've cranked out over 7K in the past week or so? It's been so nice to make words happen and have them not be awful. Of course, I'm aiming for 20K, and the 7K on top of the 8K I already had are nice, but that last 5K is kiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiilling me. Also endings. I hate them. Possibly because these two idiots will not tell me what ending to give them, and there's no definitive ending no matter what.

* That said, I think I have managed to take two compelling and interesting characters that have no crossover really in fandom, and put them together in a way that will probably satisfy no one. I have SPECIAL TALENTS, okay?

* I came down with some sort of evil cold this weekend, and slept a huge chunk of it. 14 hours on Saturday night and 10 hours on Sunday night. This afternoon I'm going to buy more cold meds and Taco Bell, because that is my sickness comfort food. I also have to do laundry, but I'm less excited about that.

* maurheti texted me yesterday asking about people in bandom, and after I laughed and laughed and laughed, I have promised her a picspam and possible a graph. What are those things called with the squares and the lines and if yes, you go this way and if no, you go this way? Like a choose your own adventure graph. That's what bandom needs. I'm pretty sure Pete Wentz would be at the top of the graph.

* no_tags is up and running and you still have time to sign up/get prompts in. So you should do that, because it is MOST awesome. It'll be interesting, I think, now that I know a lot of people who write in bandom better, and know their styles better, to see how well I do with guessing.

* I have about 800-1000 charts left to go, and soon will be finished with them. We're having a party at work, but I kind of want to do something nice for myself after it's all done. It's a major accomplishment, and I don't have a clue how many charts I've actually scanned, but I know it's got to be in the 20,000 + range. So, you know, PRESENT. I don't know what I should get though. Thoughts?

* One kidlet is going home with his friend after school, and the other one might be bringing a friend home. Apparently the youngest's friend's mom asked their teacher what kind of person I am before agreeing to let him come over. I mean, it makes sense, but still, it's kind of weird. Also, given that this is the teacher that I get along with like a house on fire (and also looks kind of like Frank sometimes?) it was kind of funny. "She and I flirt and make lewd jokes at each other. Your son will have a great time at her house!".

* Now it is lunch and getting things done time. Take care. Drink OJ. Just look for the jug guy.


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