This killing time is killing me.

Oct 10, 2011 12:11

Okay, I'll start off by saying that I appreciate everyone's comments and thoughts and hugs and everything in the wake of the TAI breakup. I can't actually answer all those comments, because I haven't cried all day today, and I'm trying to keep that streak running. But I really do appreciate all your support.

Chrome, for some reason, likes to freeze and then close and then not remember what tabs I had open. I had tabs with things I needed to comment on open. Fucking Chrome. Google, if you're going to take over the world, could you make all your stuff work right for me? I'm happy to have you as my overlord oppressors, but at least make my life convenient, okay?

Also, so I have a lot of fics started, and only one of them do I think is a lost cause, but I'm bored and not yet making cookies and so I'm going to post a piece/the first paragraph of each WIP. For fun.

He finds him buried under a pile of trash. Well, he doesn’t find him so much as get thrown on top of the pile, causing Pete to come up snarling. He doesn’t recognize the tribe, but the air is thick with their stench. He hasn’t eaten in weeks, and all he can taste is the quick, hot pulse of the kid he just slammed to the ground. His teeth itch with the need to taste, to suck him dry, but he’s not getting a meal until he deals with the party that just crashed him.

What was to be my BBB if I'd done it
Warped is a world unto itself, a microcosm of real life, or at least what the stories all say life is like for a rock star. Booze. Drugs. Women. Men. All there for the taking. Nothing has changed in that regard except him. His band’s been great - no bottles or baggies on the bus, everyone opting for self-deprivation as support. At least on the bus. He knows things are different on the grounds when there are bonfires and other bands, reputations to uphold in the face of their front man being clean and sober, not even straight-edge, just in too deep to handle it anymore.

Mike doesn’t pretend that he’s got any other motive than to go out and get drunk. He’s at home in Chicago, his roommate is being a complete and utter asshole, his band is full of tension and all he wants to do is drown himself in whiskey and coke until his eyeballs are swimming. It’s possible that all three of his problems are related, though saying that is sort of like saying that Bill and Tom are fucking drama queens

High School AU
William knows who Gabe Saporta is. Everyone knows who Gabe is, though as far as William can tell, no one can claim to actually know Gabe. He’s invited to every party or event, and it’s like a badge of honor, a classification of cool if Gabe actually makes an appearance. William has no illusions when it comes to how cool he is. If there were some sort of negative scale, he’d be on that, hanging near the zero line just by virtue of his presence on the baseball team.

There isn’t enough alcohol in the world.

Gabe decides this at 2:57 in the afternoon at a table in a bar on the lower east side. He’s already consumed a fair amount of alcohol, but the burning of the booze still hasn’t surpassed the dangerous heat of emotion lodged in his throat. He sets his glass back on the table and signals the bartender for another. He drinks a shot from his flask in the time it takes his next drink to arrive and he makes the waitress leave the empty glasses.

Mikey knows where he is, even before he opens his eyes. The air is different here, filtered and purified and like breathing death into his lungs. The lights are too bright as well, which doesn’t seem possible since he’s used to the blinding sun, but these burn different, burn cold. He can feel them through his closed eyelids, keeping him frozen in place.

Pete/William New Year's Eve
The party’s been over for about two hours now, and if he was anyone but who he is, they would have been kicked out on their collective asses. As it is, he’s enough of a name and given that they’re putting his club in the building in a couple of weeks or so, he can get away with sitting on this couch, talking until five in the morning.

BWMSS(PR) - Bisexual white male seeking same, preferably related

High school is hell.

Not even in the fun Buffy the Vampire Slayer way either. Just stupid kids with smart mouths and attitudes bigger than their IQs. Not that that’s hard, since Mikey’s pretty sure he could add all his classmates together and not equal one MENSA member. That doesn’t stop him from hanging out with them between classes, bumming cigarettes and sneaking drinks from the flask he has hiding in his backpack.

Waycest of some sort
Mikey rents a car because he has friends in L.A. that he’ll want to see and borrowing one of Gerard’s is always kind of an epic battle that involves the history of each car, what it means, what Gerard was thinking when he bought it, what the car’s quirks are and a baleful look that reminds Mikey he failed his driver’s test four times. Of course, Gerard failed it six and doesn’t actually have a California license, so Mikey ignores the look, but if he can bypass the rest of the drama too, he’s okay with that.

William/Gabe & Carden
William meets Gabe for the first time backstage, lost in a crush of bodies. All the scene kids seem to have called in favors, all of them hoping their money is good enough to buy a drink, maybe more. William hangs back, too shy and too self-conscious to throw himself into it like Carden, not cool enough to distance himself like Wentz. Instead he hangs on the periphery, too scared to burn his wings on the flame.

Victoria watches from the other side of the room as Gabe and William go through their incredibly asinine and juvenile ritual of hugs and insults, backslaps and ass pinching. They’re both complete idiots when they get together, losing age and IQ points the minute their in the same room.

Still, she has to admit that they also increase the hotness quotient of the room. They’re both attractive by themselves, but something about them together amplifies it, making them more than they are, the sum outweighing the parts tenfold. Of course, the fart noises and dick jokes decrease that a little bit, but beggars can’t be choosers on tour.

Mikey/bb!dom William
Mikey’s seen him at every show he’s gone to over the past month, and now he actively looks for him, seeks him out. He’s never on the sidelines, never at the bar no matter when Mikey shows up. He’s always in the pit, caught up in the heart of it. Mikey joins him every time he sees him, moving through the crowd as if he’s drawn by a magnet.

The strangest thing is that he’s not Mikey’s type at all. He’s too much like Mikey himself, long and lanky and slightly effeminate, but there’s something Mikey can’t resist getting close to. He doesn’t actually approach him, just hits the vicinity and lets the music take over, the gravitational pull of the pit dragging them together.

He’s not sure if it’s his name or the fact that he probably looks rabidly crazy that gets him the key to William’s room, but he’ll take it, whatever it was. There’s something stuffed against the door, but he’s manic and panicked enough that he shoves it out of the way. It’s a suitcase that he stumbles over, nearly braining himself on the dresser. He catches himself at the last minute and sucks in dust off the wood then jerks his attention to the bed.

Pete/William (yes, another)
The kid is skinny and stupidly tall and, for a 17-year-old who doesn’t know what he’s getting into, way too cocky. Pete blames Nick for that, because Remember Maine wasn’t bad but it wasn’t great, and the kid has a lot to learn. Though, if it comes down to it, Pete can work with cocky. He likes the cocky ones.

Mikey topping Gerard
Mikey sprawls out in the bus’s back lounge, pulling rank since it’s his birthday. Ray and Frank concede pretty easily, even though Mikey knows they’d rather talk to their ladies and kids and pets than fight with him over what’s on the TV.

Mike lands a half hour before anyone else, hanging around the gates in the main concourse. There’s a bookstore not too far from where he needs to be, so he goes inside and looks around. He likes bookstores in airports because the prices are printed right on the product and they can’t really jack up the price, though they can charge you three-fifty for a bottle of water.

Frank/Gerard, vacuum
“I bought a roomba.”

Frank blinks at the small disc that isn’t actually getting very far, moving in a small circle, trapped on all sides by comic boxes, clothes, Chinese food cartons, and plates.

Frank jerking off
There’s no privacy on tour.

Five guys in a van with merch and instruments and duffel bags of the nastiest smelling clothes mostly obliterates the need for it, and Frank can usually get buy with a quick jerk session after a gig and before the after party. Which is fine. Great. Because mostly he was too exhausted or sick or freaked out to give a shit about getting off. And when he wasn’t, he was driving and, after the thing with Otter, Ray implemented a not behind the fucking wheel, assholes rule.

The meeting is about what she expects from Pete’s friends. Insults and arguments and genuine affection. Gabe sat her down for a long talk when she first signed on, explaining a little bit about how Pete is, how he gets, and she got lessons from Ashlee as well. People decided she and Ashlee were rivals, even though Pete is only now getting to the point that he can stand close to her on stage, but in truth, she and Ashlee get along just fine. She’s not Pete’s type anyway, even if she were interested.


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