So I was going to make this great post about my weekend with pictures and stuff, but instead, I'm just going to tell you about it, because I'm lazy.
Got up early on Saturday to find hubby had installed my pretty new birthday present (23" widescreen monitor). The resolution was off because we needed a new adapter, so Mikey's :| face was more -___________- for a while, but that's okay, because he's still beautiful. Mikey, not the hubby. But he's beautiful too.
Anyway, set out for Portland with lots of good music to fuel me and made good time, getting to Screen Door just in time for my date with
sparky77 and
llaras. There was good food - chocolate chip pancakes the size of small planets! Praline bacon! Vegetarian hash! - and great company. Q was just as adorable as I could imagine, and we spent many a moment discussing Ray Person being selected as the man to teach Captain American about things in the 2000s. Brad had choice comments about leaving it to command to pick the worst person for the job, and Walt was quite distressed, trying to undo the damage Ray caused. Walking back to the car, we saw a sign post that someone had written "Nate" on, and then we drove on Stark street, so I feel that Generation Kill was there for us.
Also, there was much talk of how they met, which was through Firefly, and my fun shocking them with my lack of having seen Firefly and some discussion about my issues with Joss Whedon. Normally I do not get into such things, because I look less adorable with flames of rage coming out of my head. Keep this in mind: It comes into play later
Also amusingly was a box written on on three sides with the same message: "BRING BACK MY STAINLESS STEEL SINK". I have many questions about this, not the least of which is why was the stainless steel sink randomly hanging around outside? and why do you think someone who stole a sink is going to give it back because of this sign right near a very busy restaurant so maybe don't even live there? and what if they already did and someone else stole it?
Anyway, we attempted to then follow directions to get to the Saturday market, but the directions were closed - well, the bridge was, whatever - and I kept giggling, because I remembered the name of the bridge, because it's Morrison, and
fleurdeliser lives in Portland, and it's like kismet, but instead we had to take the Hawthorne bridge, which is OMG GRATED CREEPY FREAKED OUT LAURA MAKE IT STOP GET ME OFF THIS DAMN THING, and we managed to walk past the sparkling Voodoo Doughnuts and bebop around the Saturday Market. Much fun was had people watching and looking at pretty things and the mean lady from
Mugwump having cute stuff that I was forced to buy because they are awesome. (Truth: She was actually very nice and friendly and her stuff is amazing and adorable).
After that, there was a parting of the ways where they went off to watch things at
llaras's house (and invited me along, which was super sweet), but instead I made my way to see
me_maneuver and
sadiane. It was great to just chill with them, since most of the time I see there, there are shenanigans and bandom boys and fangirl roadtrips involved, and this was just laid back, hanging out, discussing craft projects, an elephant in the room, and then, when we felt like just chilling and watching TV while eating our Flying Pie Pizza (Note: it did not fly while we were eating it), and having laughingly told me that the pilot of Firefly had been on TV when I got there, I gave in to the inevitable and watched several episodes of Firefly.
I've only seen five episodes (Pilot, Our Miss Reynolds, Jaynestown, Out of Gas and...another one? I think? It was two AM. What?), so I won't go on record with an opinion, but I will say, I imagine that it will vary muchly from a large segment of fandom and it is hard to watch Firefly after seeing Babylon 5 with its exact science stuff because OMG SPACE DOES NOT WORK THAT WAY, I DON'T CARE IF YOU ARE IN THE FUTURE. Heee. There were also milkshakes in there and then sleeping in their most comfortable guest bed, and then in the morning texting
inlovewithnight to randomly see if she remembered who was on top in a sex scene, and writing fic and then there was brunch at Tasty & Sons and then they kicked me out (kidding!) and I headed home.
Traffic was horrible in two ridiculously stupid spots where horribleness should not be had because it doesn't make sense, but it was and apparently always is, so note to self. But I still had good music, and I arrived at the realization that I go to Portland to eat. Also \fangirls/!!!
And I see MCR on Thursday. YAY!
::chinhands:: How are you guys?