Mar 31, 2007 14:25
Stupid New York. Was there just last week for three days. Why do you curse and tempt me so?!?!? With your perfect charm, beautiful art, architecture, parks, people, entertainment, food, and general awesomeness and grandeur.
Returned to St. Patty's, where it reitterated itself as the singe greatest building I've ever been in. I've been in other, bigger churches and government buildings. You can't gossip or speak poorly in there. You can't think of anything else but God. And your soul soars to the ceiling in there. You just wanna weep. God is in this place. This is why they used to call the main part of a church sanctuary. This is why my whole self is drawn towards the liturgy, towards the tradition. At church my body and mind are distracted. We are obsessed with our selves in the chairs, talking back and forth, service is dismissed and we pump music and begin to gossip. But in a Cathedral, nothing else matters, it is God and only God in that place. You are joined by others who just can't but help reflect on God. And as I walked around the cross of St. Patrick's I saw the stations of the cross loveingly carved into the walls, each station... the three times Jesus fell, him being nailed, it was just too much. Just so spiritual. I think I could be Catholic and feel closer to God then in a pentecostal service, just because of the focus and clarity. People say that Saints and Mary detract from God, but each Saint is a testimony to God's good work and provision for his people, the Blessed Mother is just the shining example of God's purpose for each of us. Just amazing stuff.
And, despite all other marbly buildings I've been in, nothing matches the NY Public Library, whithin which I feel like Gandalf running through Minas Tirith.
And the park, and the people in it, just so lovely.
And of course the media, the stimulation, just awesome. Watching happy families and friendly people. I've been here four times, and have het to ever meet a rude New Yorker. Who ever wrote or spoke of their reputation as anything beyond friendly is misguided and should be reprimanded for his deception.
I went there with Elaine. (who is Elaine some of you ask? My reply: Muhuhwahwahwa). We met up with Kyle and had a lovely time.
Just an amazing city. And I saw Niles Crane and Gil Chesteron, I could have shot a spit wad at them.