Fic: "My Captain, My Mistress, My Love: Interlude with Seven", Fragments of Sappho challenge-a-thon

Sep 24, 2011 21:31

Title: My Captain, My Mistress, My Love: Interlude with Seven
Author: romansilence
Feedback Email:
Rating: NC-17
Pairing: Torres/Seven
Fandom: StarTrek: Voyager
Prompt: StarTrek: Voyager: Seven/Torres - Prompts: Challenge, Klingon; Squicks: Bondage, S&M; Rating: Whatever you'd like; Spoilers: Don't worry
Requested By: dariclone
Fragment: 1
Word Count: 6,700
Summary: B’Elanna finds more than she bargained for when tries to vent her frustration at her wife’s and Mistress’ absence on the holodeck.
Warnings/Spoilers: violence and elements of BDSM
Disclaimer: You all know it, the characters and background story don’t belong to me but to Paramount, unfortunately. No copyright infringement is intended, no profit will be made.
Author's Notes: This is the third story of my “My Captain, My Mistress…”-series posted on Archive of Our Own. You don’t need to read the first two to understand this one. There’s just a few basics that might be helpful to know: B’Elanna Torres and Kathryn Janeway have taken the Oath. They happily live a D/s relationship in which B’Elanna is Kathryn’s slave.

My Captain, My Mistress, My Love: Interlude with Seven

Fragment of Sappho #1:
For if she flees, soon she will pursue.
If she refuses gifts, rather will she give them.
If she does not love, soon she will love
even unwilling.


Lieutenant B’Elanna Torres, Chief Engineer of the Federation Starship Voyager, was bored. They were in a not only calm but also friendly part of the Delta Quadrant. The engines were running at peek efficiency. Since the inauguration of the Astrometrics Lab Seven of Nine’s appearances in engineering had become few and far between. To make things worse her wife and Mistress was on a diplomatic away mission with Neelix and two security guards and was not expected to return for at least the next three days. That’s why two hours after the end of Alpha shift B’Elanna was still doing busy work in Engineering instead of going home to her empty quarters.

Her people knew to stay out of her way. She had been in an extremely bad mood ever since Captain Janeway had decided that she would not take her wife with her. The Iakaner, though basically a friendly space-faring race had rather peculiar notions about sexuality in general. They had no sexes themselves and disapproved of even light forms of sexual attraction. With their highly developed olfactory organs they could smell it from afar, and Captain Janeway had not wanted to offend them by subjecting them to B’Elanna’s and her very palatable attraction. So, B’Elanna had had to stay on Voyager, and she was bored. She decided to call it a day and get rid of some frustration with a battle field simulation on the holodeck.

She checked the holodeck reservations and found to her surprise that Holodeck 2 was empty and would be for the next two hours. So, she hurried to her quarters, changed into her Klingon armour and took the turbolift to deck six. She let go of a round of expletives when she not only found the holodeck in use but also the safeties off and the door locked with an encryption code, a Borg encryption code. There also was no indication what type of program was running.

Despite her continued cursing a smile crept on B’Elanna’s face. That was exactly the challenge she had been looking for. Exchanging verbal barbs with Seven of Nine was certainly more fun than beating up holographic Klingons. So, she leaned her bat’leth against the wall and started to deactivate the Borg encryption.


The holodeck doors opened with a hiss that appeared too loud to B’Elanna’s sensitive Klingon hearing. She looked down a dark corridor, just high enough to accommodate a tall Klingon warrior in full battle gear, a man-made corridor roughly hewn through the hard rock of Qo’nos. The corridor every Klingon child had to walk through to become a real warrior in preparation for their nentay cha’DIch, the second Rite of Ascension. It was one of her holo programs.

A sudden feeling of dread filled B’Elanna’s heart and she began to run. The corridor ended in front of a double door, fifteen feet high and broad enough to let five armed warrior pass through abreast easily. It was meant to make the young warrior-to-be feel small and in awe of Klingon greatness, but B’Elanna had no eyes for the exquisitely carved door panels or for the over life-sized embossed depictions of famous Klingon battles at the walls.

She skidded to a halt about ten feet inside of the big hall when her gaze fell on the pale figure lying towards the end of a long raised walkway that went almost through the whole length of the room. The one and a half foot high walkway was lined with Klingon warriors in full battle armour carrying painsticks, and those in reach of the prone figure used theirs liberally.

“Computer, end program!” B’Elanna ordered but nothing happened.

“Computer, freeze program!”

“Computer, delete all holographic characters!”

“Computer, show the arch!”

Nothing worked.

B’Elanna closed her eyes and took a deep cleansing breath as she would to prepare for a strenuous play scene or a battle. She once again checked out the room and the set-up.

As per tradition at the end of the long hall a Klingon armour was propped up on a stand but the place where the representative of the House of the ghojwl’, the initiate should stand was empty. Her feeling of dread intensified. She knew all too well what that would mean on the Klingon home world, but she had no idea what consequences it would have on Voyager’s holodeck, and she really didn’t want to risk Seven’s life to find out. When she heard Seven’s low moan over the whining of the painsticks B’Elanna acted on instinct.

“Stop it!” She shouted. “yImev, yap!”

“Who dares to interrupt this sacred ritual?” A white-haired Klingon asked. He seemed to be as old as the stone carvings around him.

“I am B’Elanna Torres, daughter of Miral of the House of Katal, chief engineer on board of the Federation Starship USS Voyager. And who are you that you dare to question me?” B’Elanna demanded to know.

“I am Kar, High Priest of Kahless, the Unforgettable. You claim the name of a noble and respected House, B’Elanna Torres. Can you prove your claim?”

“You have my word as a Klingon warrior, but I also will prove my claim with my blade against anyone who would dare to doubt it.”

B’Elanna shifted to a battle ready stance knowing full well that she would not stand a chance should the two dozen warriors lining the walkway decide to attack her at once.

“I will accept your word, B’Elanna, daughter of Miral, for now. What gives you the right to speak for your House? You look too young to have earned that right,” Kar asked.

“We are in the Delta Quadrant. My Lady and I are the only representatives of my House and the Klingon Empire in this quadrant. That gives me the right to speak for my House. I demand that you stop the nentay cha’DIch. Seven of Nine did not know what she was getting herself into. She does not deserve to die like this.”

“It is honourable to die in the pursuit of honour,” Kar said thoughtfully, “but it also is not necessary. No one since Kahless, the Great himself has ever endured the full nentay, unclaimed by a House. All who have tried have died, as will this woman, despite her undeniable strength.

“As the highest representative of a Klingon House here you can now claim her for your House, B’Elanna of the House of Katal. All you have to do is to put down your weapons and armour step on the walkway and take her place in the Walk of Pain. As soon as you have reached her you can defend her and yourself against the painsticks while you carry her the rest of the way.

“Should you both survive I will witness her initiation into the House of Katal. I have heard of numerous cases in which the contender of the nentay failed to meet the challenge and I witnessed only one where he succeeded. The contender then was a strong young man with the blood fire in his veins.”

B’Elanna didn’t comment on Kar’s barely veiled insult. Instead she whirled her batleth around and rammed one end in the stone floor. It was a testament of her strength, speed and the quality of her blade. She draped her armour over the batleth and undressed down to her snug boy-shorts and tank-top.

“I, Lieutenant B’Elanna Torres, daughter of Miral, of the House of Katal, wife of Captain Kathryn Janeway of the Federation Starship USS Voyager, voluntary slave of Mistress Kathryn, chief engineer on board of the Federation Starship USS Voyager claim this woman, Seven of Nine, Tertiary Adjunct to Unimatrix Zero-One, née Annika Hanson, daughter of Erin, of the United Federation of Planets, formerly of the Borg Collective as a member of my House.”

B’Elanna stepped onto the walkway and took a first tentative step. Two painsticks were thrust into her side. For a moment the pain took her breath away but she quickly adapted. Her wife did not have the reputation of being one of the best Mistresses ever for nothing and her teachers and former Mistresses, Mistress Deanna and Mistress Tasha, had trained her with all the rigours of times long gone and forgotten. She knew how to deal with pain.

She stepped away from the first two painsticks but was hit by two more before the others were gone. This time she only flinched but walked steadily forward. The intensity of the pain inflicted by the ‘oy’naQ, the painsticks, rose steadily, but B’Elanna relied on her training.

Her heart rate picked up. She could literally feel the endorphins kicking in and transform the pain into pleasure. B’Elanna felt herself getting wet and under different circumstances she might even have slipped into subspace. Instead she focused on Seven lying in front of her and on her Mistress’ order not to allow herself an orgasm while she was gone.

The moment B’Elanna reached Seven one of the ‘oy’naQ hit the nipple ring hidden under her tank-top. The sudden pain forced her down on a knee but she camouflaged the sudden weakness by checking on Seven. Seven’s pulse was irregular and weak, electricity seemed to be emanating from her implants; and if the implants were as good a conductor for the painsticks as her nipple ring then Seven had been in a lot more pain than her. There was no time to check now but B’Elanna was also sure that Seven had deactivated her nanoprobes otherwise they would have started to heal her already.

Ignoring the painsticks now seemingly raining down on her B’Elanna hoisted Seven over her shoulders, used her right hand to hold her steady by grabbing one ankle and one wrist and stood up. She walked on and batted the painsticks away from Seven as best as she could. B’Elanna reached the end of the line and put Seven back down on the ground as gently as possible.

B’Elanna barely had time to turn around when one of the warriors attacked her with a roared “No!!”

She ducked his painstick at the last second and instead of hitting her square in the chest it only grazed her shoulder. He had put his ‘oy’naQ on the highest setting, a setting only used to execute traitors. With a swift feint she got into his personal space, kneed him in the groin and wrenched the painstick from his grasp. She brought him down with a simple MoQ’bara move and threw the painstick away with an expression of disgust.

“Your ridges are soft. You’re a Kahless be damned mongrel. Your kind should not even be allowed in these sacred halls,” her attacker said while he got back on his feet and drew a metleth from behind his back.

B’Elanna laughed. Her whole body was tingling with pain, her centre was throbbing in arousal. All of her senses were in overdrive; even more than six feet away she could hear Seven’s slowly steadying heartbeat. She heard the shuffling footsteps of the other warriors forming a half-circle around them. She heard her opponent’s breathing. She felt as alive as she had not in a long time.

The Klingon attacked. B’Elanna used his momentum against him and kicked him in the backside for good measure. He whirled around, brandishing his blade. She ducked under his badly executed swipe and tripped him up. He tried the same move again and again, pitching his seemingly superior strength against her agility and speed. After his sixth or seventh attack she put a bit of her own strength in her throw and she heard bones break, underlined by the appreciative murmurs of the on-looking warriors.

Her attacker grunted when he got on his knees, his left arm hanging awkwardly down. He moved, but not towards B’Elanna. He turned his blade on Seven. B’Elanna jumped and threw him off of his prey before he had even the chance to touch Seven’s skin. Her momentum carried them a few feet away, B’Elanna’s right arm closed around his throat, her left around his forehead. She broke his neck with a single twist before they hit the ground.

B’Elanna took his metleth and faced the other warriors, “Does anyone else object to my claim?”

“B’Elanna, Miral pugbe’ Katal tug, you fought honourably, not only in the challenge put before you but also by defending the honour of your House and your blood against a coward whose name will never again be spoken, may he rot in Grethor. It now is time for the initiation ritual, B’Elanna.”

B’Elanna nodded and walked over to Seven who was just now regaining consciousness. Two of the warriors offered B’Elanna her armour and weapons but she only took her daqh’taq, her ceremonial knife with the sigil of the House of Katal embossed on top of the hilt.

Another warrior handed her a bronze goblet that looked suspiciously like the one Mistress Tasha had used for B’Elanna’s own nentay cha’DIch. She cut her palm open with the dagh’tag and let a copious amount of blood drip into the goblet. Seven looked anything but her usual alert self but she understood what was expected of her and took the weapon from B’Elanna. Her blood joined B’Elanna’s in the goblet, crimson and lavender mixing in intricate patterns.

High Priest Kar gave them two white stripes of cloth to bind their bleeding hand. He took the goblet from B’Elanna and raised it high over their heads.

“For the glory and the honour of the House of Katal and the Klingon Empire. Seven of Nine, daughter of Erin, drink as a sign that you now are a member of the House of Katal and will fight for its honour.”

Seven took the goblet and drank. Her eyes still widened in slight confusion when she gave the goblet back.

“For the glory and the honour of the House of Katal and the Klingon Empire. B’Elanna, daughter of Miral, drink as a sign that you accept Seven of Nine, daughter of Erin as a member of the House of Katal and will fight for her honour.”

B’Elanna took the vessel from Kar and drank. There still was blood left and tradition demanded that sacrificial blood should never be wasted. So, she offered the goblet to Seven who took another sip and then B’Elanna finished it off, only stopping when she was sure that not a single drop would be left. The warriors had already left and the High Priest gave them a parting look before he disappeared through a side door. B’Elanna, Seven and the dead body were the only ones left.

“Computer, end program,” B’Elanna ordered.

The walls around them began to flicker and moments later they were kneeling in the empty holo grid. B’Elanna’s armour and weapons were lying on the floor. Seven tried to get up but instead collapsed in B’Elanna’s arms with a groan. Her eyes were still unfocused.

“Seven, I need you to do something for me. You have to reactivate your nanoprobes, now.” Seven weakly shock her head. “Do it, or I will call the doctor, and you’ll never hear the end of that. Your body needs the nanoprobes to heal and soon you will have to regenerate.”

“But I… What happened?”

“I’ll tell you later. For now, just let those little technical marvels do their job. Rest while I get us to someplace more comfortable. Computer, activate program Eternity D&T, put us on the bed.”


B’Elanna observed how the angry red blotches created by the painsticks disappeared one by one. Seven’s breath evened out, and B’Elanna’s face blossomed into an unconscious smile at the relaxed, innocent expression on Seven’s face. Her long blonde hair spread over the pillow, there was a slight, enigmatic smile on her face, and except for the implants bared by the sleeveless top and shorts she was wearing instead of her usual bio-suit no one would have ever believed that only a few short months ago she had been a member of the feared Borg collective. She was beautiful.

B’Elanna shock herself out of her musings and observations and forced herself back to reality and the things that now had to be done. Her first order of business was to make sure that they would not be interrupted for the time being. She reinitiated the Borg encryption and then checked the reservation log. B’Elanna grinned when she saw a two hour slot reserved by Tom Paris and the following hour by Harry Kim. She didn’t even have to threaten them to get them to give up their time for her. She suspected that reports of her bad mood had made it even to the bridge and that they thought that she was engaged in some battle simulation or the other. At the moment she didn’t care. She would make it up to them.

Seven’s breathing was now low and steady and her skin once again was creamy white and unblemished. So, B’Elanna had the ship’s computer log the initiation of Seven of Nine, née Annika Hanson into the House of Katal in the personnel files, and only then did she order the holodeck to replicate a medical tricorder. She called up Seven’s baseline readings and slowly released the breath she had been holding unconsciously when she saw that there was nothing seriously wrong. B’Elanna did really not want to set herself up for one of the Doctor’s lectures on holodecks and safety procedures and the dangers of that, as he called it, irresponsible, hedonist life style.

When B’Elanna checked the status of Seven’s nanoprobes she found out that though they had repaired the damage done by the painsticks they were still not working at their normal levels. She tried to kick them into gear. Suddenly a beeping sound filled the holodeck and a hologram of Seven of Nine wearing her maroon bio-suit appeared right next to the bed.

“If you see this I am either dead or in critical condition and my experiment to explore the connection between pain and pleasure I have seen so convincingly presented by Captain Janeway and Lieutenant Torres has failed. They did not know about my endeavour and would certainly have tried to dissuade me. I will now describe the experiment and my reasoning, if only to give the doctor some closure.”

The longer B’Elanna listened to Seven’s extremely logical and well thought out, yet completely irrational and insane reasoning the more she knew that talking alone would not help her.

When B’Elanna had asked Seven to witness her punishment at the hands of her Mistress, of Captain Janeway about a month ago she had done so to alleviate her own feelings of guilt. Now, it seemed that she also had awakened or at least accelerated Seven’s sexual awakening and her search for a sexual identity; and Seven was at a point where she needed a more hands-on approach than the databases or even the more or less educational holodeck programs could give her.

For a few minutes B’Elanna considered to just ignore what she had learned so far and wait until Captain Janeway was back, or rather until Mistress Kathryn was back from the away-mission and let her deal with the curious ex-Borg. She discarded the idea for more than one reason.

A tiny, still insecure part of her heart feared that Seven’s innocence would endear her so much to Kathryn that she would take B’Elanna’s place. It was highly irrational; not even the deepest bond between Mistress and slave could ever be stronger than the bond forged by the ‘Oath’ Kathryn and her had taken. She also rationalised her decision by telling herself that if she did not act now Seven could very easily get herself in a similarly dangerous situation without anyone to help in time nearby.

The main reason, however, and B’Elanna was well aware that this was something she would have to confess to her Mistress, the main reason was that ever since working closely together to get the Astrometrics lab built B’Elanna had wanted to see Seven writhing in passion under her ministrations - and now she had the chance.

But how to get started? In her holographic message Seven had mentioned that she had gathered over four tetra-quad of data about her and Captain Janeway. B’Elanna decided that this was as good as anything to get started; and since the data was about her it wasn’t even a breach of privacy. While reading through Seven’s research B’Elanna time and again checked to make sure that Seven was still fast asleep and when she skimmed over the end and Seven’s conclusions she knew precisely what she wanted and probably needed to do.


Regaining consciousness Seven of Nine was fully aware of her situation before she had moved a muscle or opened her eyes. She knew she was on the holodeck. She knew the program running was not the one she had activated earlier. She knew her legs and arms were spread. She knew there were cuffs around her wrists and ankles, holding her immobile - and she knew that she was not alone. Even without her eidetic memory she would have recognised that subtle smell everywhere.

“Go ahead, Seven, test the shackles and the chains. I instructed the computer to make them strong enough to withstand the combined strength of two Borg tactical drones.”

Seven opened her eyes and looked at herself in the mirror wall she was facing, spread eagled, cuffed, and the colour of the cuffs and chains matched the silvery gleam of her implants. It made them look as if they were an extension of her. It took Seven three point eight seconds, in other words from her perspective an eternity, to become aware of the rest of the room.

The mirror wall reflected not only her image but also a bed big enough for at least four or five people. Leaning against the headboard was Lieutenant B’Elanna Torres, Voyager’s mercurial chief engineer. She was wearing a simple, mid-thigh length white tunic and seemed rather relaxed, like a predator at rest. Her smile and her eyes, however, showed Seven that she was merely waiting for her prey to catch up to the game; and Seven was sure that she was said prey. Despite herself she swallowed hard.

“Go on, Seven, try to free yourself,” B’Elanna said smugly.

B’Elanna’s tone of voice let Seven revert to her most arrogant Borg monotone, “I know that you’re competent enough to give simple instructions to the computer on the holodeck, Lieutenant.”

But instead of reacting with her usual anger B’Elanna just laughed and rose from the bed. She stepped behind her and from Seven’s point of view only her lower legs and feet now were visible. Seven shivered and stiffened when she felt a featherlike touch running down her spine.

“You are very beautiful, Seven of Nine.”

“What do you think you’re doing, Lieutenant?” Seven asked with a suppressed gasp. She never would have thought that such a simple touch could send such a storm of emotions through her body.

“Relax, Seven. I did some light reading while you were still out. So, I have at least an inkling of what you wanted to accomplish, but let me tell you, Ice Princess, you went about it all wrong.”

The touch was gone and Seven felt it like a personal loss. To cover that up she said with a touch of anger, “You read my research? That was private. It was none of you business.”

“You made it my business when you used one of my private holoprograms to conduct your experiment, one I never entered into Voyager’s public library, by the way. And the padd I read, the one with your research, you brought it with you to the holodeck. It was not encrypted. It was not even password protected.” B’Elanna had walked around Seven’s bound body and was now standing right in front of her, concern in her deep brown eyes.

“But the holodeck was, Lieutenant. You had no right to stop or interfere with the program.”

“I could argue that as a member of the senior staff I even am duty-bound to interfere when a member of the crew acts irresponsible enough to endanger his or her life. Seven, if I had not interfered and redirected the program you would be dead by now and the doctor would have a hard time to revive you again with the nanoprobes turned off and the energy from the painsticks wreaking havoc with your systems.” B’Elanna had her fists stemmed in her waist but her voice reflected more exasperation than anger.

“I apologise for having used your program without your permission, but it still is none of your business, Lieutenant,” Seven said defensively.

“It is my business, Seven. You research was prompted by what you learned about my Mistress and me. Come on, level with me.”

“In my current position you would have to spread my legs beyond the point anatomically advisable to equalize the three point five inches I am physically taller than you, Lieutenant,” Seven answered with a provocative glint in her eyes.

And to her consternation B’Elanna just laughed. “Another nice try, Seven, especially the underhanded hint that your intellectual superiority far exceeds three point five inches. I need to know why you chose that program before I can start you on the way to learn what you really want to know.”

“How could you know what I want?” Seven asked, anger and curiosity balancing each other in her voice.

“You want to learn about pleasure, passion, abandon and trust, and maybe obedience. You want to learn about what makes me look at Mistress Kathryn the way I do. You can’t learn that by undergoing the Klingon rite of ascension, Seven,” B’Elanna said calmly.

“It was just a program, Lieutenant, a simulacrum of reality.”

“Not quite, Seven, and please call me B’Elanna, after all you are now a member of my house, the House of Katal. Let me explain. The program you used is recognised by the Klingon High Command, the Chancellor and the Emperor as a substitute for everyone not able to journey to the monastery of Boreth for the rite of ascension and since you entered there without being sponsored by a House different rules apply.”

B’Elanna explained the situation in which she had found Seven and what would likely have happened without her interference.

The chains creaked when Seven tried to move. “You made me a member of your House without my consent?”

“It was either that or let you be killed by the continuous application of painsticks. Once started there are only a limited number of ways this program can end. Seven, with your nanoprobes active you might have stood a chance but your implants interacted with the energy from the ‘oy’naQs. It intensified the pain. You would have died, Seven, and though I readily admit that you have a talent to get on my nerves more than anyone else, this is not the way I wanted to get rid of your annoying presence, Ice Princess.”

Seven studied B’Elanna’s expression and posture. There was no sign of the belligerent woman defending her territory in Engineering. The Klingon-Human Hybrid even sounded genuinely worried.

“Use that eidetic memory of yours, Seven.”

And Seven did just that but she kept her eyes on B’Elanna, waiting for the other woman to become impatient. She did not. She waited patiently for Seven to come to a decision, seemingly as relaxed as one could be.

“Thank you, Lieutenant Torres. I owe you my life. You can let me go now.”

“B’Elanna, Seven. You’re not talking to Voyager’s chief engineer now. See me as a friend if you can, or if that’s too much of a stretch considering the way said chief engineer is treating you, see me as a teacher, a guide of sort.

“When I checked you out the message you recorded activated. You want to learn about the connection between pain and pleasure but simply going off to experience pain will not help you. It did not help you. So, let me try. If that is not what you want you can end this by simply ending the program. It’s your decision, Seven.”

“Why are you doing this?” Seven asked genuinely puzzled.

“Your smile won me over.

“So, what will it be? End it or tell me why you chose the nentay cha’DIch program?”

“You read the padd. You should know,” Seven answered.

B’Elanna hit her amusement at the obvious scintillating between confusion, curiosity and defensiveness Seven displayed, probably without really being aware of it.

“I had about half an hour to look at the tetra-quad of data you accumulated, Seven. Please, tell me.”

‘Please’, that simple word broke Seven’s resistance. Only a precious few people ever used it in her presence and hearing it from B’E… Lieutenant Torres…

So, she explained that she had researched pain thresholds and found the Ascension program the adequate tool to equal what she had witnessed B’Elanna endure that one evening in her and Captain Janeway’s quarters. She also admitted that it had not worked, that she had not felt even a slight percentage of arousal when the painsticks had hit her. In a small voice she offered her conclusion that her time with the Borg had simply made her unable to feel arousal, after all sexual gratification was irrelevant to the Collective.

“Sometimes, Seven, pain is just pain. Every person reacts in their own way,” B’Elanna said and slowly stepped closer. “Now, why don’t we start with testing your theory that as a former Borg drone you can’t be aroused? Did you know that the skin is the biggest organ of the Human body and that it also is one of the most erogenous zones of the Humanoid body?”

B’Elanna was now standing right in front of Seven and had lowered her voice to an almost whisper. “Of course you know that, but academic knowledge is not enough. Let me show it to you.”

B’Elanna reached up and let the back of her fingers glide down the inside of Seven’s left arm. She had deliberately chosen the artificial arm and hand, not only because she knew that the skin was at least as sensitive as normal human skin but also to make it clear to the bound woman that she did not shy away from her Borgness. When B’Elanna reached the shoulder she turned her hand around and let it slide back up, barely touching.

She heard Seven’s sharp intake of breath and hid her smile. “Close your eyes and focus on your sense of touch, Seven.”

B’Elanna let her hand glide down again and this time she made sure to just brush over the starburst implant at the side of Seven’s upper arm. Evidently the implants were even more sensitive than the skin. She let the fingers slide down the side of Seven’s torso, making sure not to touch the side of her breast.

B’Elanna also took great care not to even come close to the bands of the abdominal implant, surmising that they too would be extremely responsive. Her slightly calloused fingertips coasted over the smooth skin of Seven’s waist line. She ducked under Seven’s arm and smiled at the visible tension in her captive’s shoulders.

She stretched a bit and whispered in Seven’s ear, “You are very beautiful, Seven of Nine.”

B’Elanna’s right hand now rested on Seven’s right hip and B’Elanna put her left hand on the left hip. She drew small circles with her thumbs.

“So beautiful. Try to relax, Seven, and remember that you can stop this by ending the holoprogram,” she said, knowing full well that in all probability Seven already was beyond the point of stopping. Though Seven kept her breathing regular B’Elanna’s Klingon senses had picked up on her slightly accelerated heartbeat.

Skimming over the silver bands of the abdominal implant B’Elanna let her fingers glide upwards again; her right and left hand working in perfect synchronicity. Seven gasped when B’Elanna retraced the uppermost band with a featherlike touch, and B’Elanna felt a bolt of arousal flash right to her own centre. She stroked the soft skin of Seven’s breasts with her thumbs, turned her hands slightly upwards and squeezed the perfect globes softly. She was rewarded with a languid moan that stopped abruptly, but continued with her ministrations.

“It’s alright, Seven, stop thinking. Just follow your instincts. Let your body lead the way,” B’Elanna said softly and observed in the mirror how Seven’s nipples got even harder than they had been before.

B’Elanna created a slow rhythm, never increasing and never decreasing the intensity of her touch though Seven’s heartbeat now really started to pick up. Seven strained in her bonds and pressed her chest out for further contact.

“Do you want me to stop, Seven?” B’Elanna asked.

Seven didn’t answer with words. She just moaned, a throaty moan that seemed to come from deep inside and caused a gush of wetness between B’Elanna’s thighs. She could practically feel her clits pulsing in arousal at Seven’s extreme responsiveness to her relatively simple and almost innocent touches. Suddenly, aside from having her own release B’Elanna wanted nothing more than to bring Seven to completion, and fast. Instead she forced herself to keep it slow.

B’Elanna reluctantly returned her attention to the abdominal bands and the inch of human flesh between them. She allowed her hands to roam free, seemingly at random but still following a plan. B’Elanna stretched forward and put a flurry of butterfly kisses on the base of Seven’s neck and along her spine until she had reached the height of the shoulder blades. She kissed around the three and a half inch long implant which once, B’Elanna knew, had held the better part of Seven’s Borg armour. As far as she knew it no longer served a purpose but the Doctor had deemed it too deeply embedded in the spine to be removed without danger.

Seven squirmed under the incessant kisses and when B’Elanna began to lick the length of the implant she shouted indiscernibly. She arched her back and rattled her chains. B’Elanna could hear Seven’s heart beating faster than she had ever heard it. She smelled Seven’s arousal, felt the heat of the other woman’s skin under her fingers, felt her trembling and found herself at the brink of her own orgasm. Only her training and her Mistress stern order not to allow herself sexual release while she was gone kept B’Elanna from going over the edge. Seven, however, was under no such limitations.

B’Elanna reluctantly abandoned the implant and resumed her course down. Seven moaned in frustration and tensed up when she felt B’Elanna go down on her knees behind her. B’Elanna’s hands kept roaming over the front of the abdominal implant while her lips and tongue slid over the bands and flesh on her back.

Seven’s moans and groans changed to a single drawn-out “Please”. Without stopping her ministrations B’Elanna closed her eyes to centre herself, now, more than before at the brink of losing control.

She now had reached the fist-sized starburst implant that connected Seven to her alcove. She retraced every single ray from the outer edge to almost the centre with the tip of her tongue, leaving the obsidian centre untouched for now. Seven’s chains creaked in their sockets at the stress she exerted on her restraints. B’Elanna suckled and licked around the centre of the implant.

Seven cried out again, an onomatopoetic series of vowels and consonants that raced right through B’Elanna’s hearts. She once again had to close her eyes and take a deep breath to get herself back under control; and immediately regretted her decision. The scent of Seven’s arousal had intensified and it had slightly changed. It now held an extra note B’Elanna couldn’t quite identify but found dangerously addictive.

By Kahless’ beard, would she have a story to tell to her Mistress when she returned from the away mission. Who would have thought that the Ice Princess had the potential to be such a volcano.

B’Elanna snapped out of her arousal induced haze when Seven’s body slumped in her chains. B’Elanna quickly got up and found her unconscious. The intense feelings must have knocked the blonde out. So, B’Elanna ordered the computer to remove Seven’s chains and transport her to the bed. To make sure that she really was merely overwhelmed she checked her with the medical tricorder.

Seven’s heart rate was returning to normal, her breathing was steady, her brainwaves almost normal. There was increased nanoprobe activity but as far as B’Elanna could tell not alarmingly increased. The tricorder also indicated slight dehydration but that could be easily remedied with a glass of mineralised water or two. B’Elanna replicated a pitcher of water and started to wash down Seven’s sweat slicked body with a warm cloth. Seven moved languorously when B’Elanna reached the apex of her thighs and for a moment she thought that she had awakened again but a short glance upwards told her that the blonde was still out.

B’Elanna smiled at that and finished her ministrations. She then waited for the first signs that her charge was about to regain consciousness. When she saw the eyelids flutter she said, “Welcome back in the land of living, Ice Princess. How are you feeling?”

“I am functioning within normal parameters,” Seven answered automatically but with a slightly raspy voice. “What happened?”

“Here, drink, Seven. It’s only water but it should help clear the cobwebs away.”

“I passed out. Borg do not pass out,” Seven said with consternation. “I experienced sexual release, without pain. How is that possible?”

Seven fell silent but B’Elanna decided to let her come to her own conclusions.

“Sexual gratification is not irrelevant.”

B’Elanna smiled at the wonder permeating from Seven’s voice.

“How did you do why? Why was there no pain?”

“Just as there can be pain without pleasure as you have learned in the Ascension program, pleasure does not need pain. Sometimes it can go hand in hand but it does not have to.”

“So, my research was wrong.”

“Not wrong, Seven, just a bit one-sided. The relationship I have with my Mistress is not for everyone, and only time will tell if it one day will be the right thing for you. It’s not something that can be forced.”

Your holodeck time will expire in two minutes. Please, prepare to leave holodeck two now.

“Already? Well, would you like to adjourn to my quarters. I guess you have a few more questions and I could use something to eat,” B’Elanna proposed.

“I can smell your arousal, Lieu… B’Elanna. Should I help you to achieve sexual gratification?”

“I’m grateful for the offer, Seven, but Mistress Kathryn gave clear orders before she left. I’m not allowed to have an orgasm while she is gone. I will be fine, nothing a sonic shower set at the highest setting can’t cure. Now, are you hungry? For food or knowledge?”

B’Elanna was more relieved than she would even admit to herself when Seven answered with a nod. She couldn’t shake the feeling that a lot depended on the rest of the night.

the END

A/N: That’s as good as I can get it right now but my gut tells that here is more to that story, much more though I’m not sure if I really want to have Seven end up in a threesome with Mistress Kathryn and B’Elanna and if in which capacity. Any ideas on that?

dogged by muses, consensual, startrek, fragments of sappho, femslash, voyager, fanfiction, bdsm, torres/seven

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