Welcome Post / Guidelines

May 03, 2015 14:20

Hello and welcome to the first ever Natasha Romanoff Big Bang!

If you’re new to big bangs, consider this your introduction! Congrats! It’s going to be a blast. Please read through this post to familiarize yourself with how this works. If you’ve participated in a big bang before, you don’t have to read this whole thing, but please make sure you understand how our bang is going to work!

General Information

So… what exactly is a big bang?
Big bangs are fanworks challenges that ask artists and authors to work together to create a collaborative piece. Authors will write long fics (in our case, a minimum of 15,000 words) and artists will make art pieces to accompany them.

How do I sign up?
When sign-up posts go live, authors and artists will use separate forms to indicate their intent to participate in the bang. There will also be separate beta readers sign-up form so we can compile a masterlist of betas available to our authors. Our sign-up forms will be hosted on Google forms, and links will be posted on both the tumblr and livejournal pages. More detailed guidelines for authors and artists will be posted when sign-ups go live.

Can I sign up to do more than one project?
Of course! If you intend to be an author, you may write up to two fics. You may sign up to make no more than three fanworks in total.

What’s allowed?
Pretty much anything and everything! You may draw from either comics canon or MCU canon or some combination of the two. Any and all ships are allowed - het, femslash, OT3, gen, etc. - whatever tickles your fancy. All genres are also allowed, including AU’s, crossovers, and fusions. Basically the only real requirement is that it must center around Natasha Romanoff in some way, shape, or form.

What isn’t allowed?
For the purposes of this big bang, RPF is not allowed. While we adore Scarlett Johansson, this challenge is about Natasha Romanoff! Otherwise, the things that aren’t allowed are pretty straightforward. We will absolutely not allow fics involving any form of sexual violence for the sake of it. This includes rape/non-con/dub-con and pedophilia. If any of these things are mentioned in your fic as a plot point, this may be acceptable, and we trust that our authors will use their good judgment in determining what is and isn’t appropriate. That being said, we expect all of our authors to warn appropriately concerning anything that may be triggering.

For Authors

What are the fic requirements?
Fics are required to be at least 15,000 words in length. There is no maximum word count. All fics must be new works. This means that you cannot submit a fic that has been posted anywhere prior to this challenge in part or in its entirety. All fics are required to be beta-read before they are posted. If you don’t have a beta, a beta-reader masterlist will be compiled for you to check out!

Can I co-write a fic?
Yes! There will be a place for you to indicate that you want to co-write with someone during sign-ups.

Do I have to use the prompts post?
Absolutely not! The prompts post is just here to give inspiration to people who might not quite know what they’re going to write about yet. But if you’ve got an idea that you love already, you can certainly write about that!

Where do I post my fic?
Anywhere you like! You are allowed to post wherever you are most comfortable with. More details about posting will be released as we get closer to the end of the bang. For now, just remember that you shouldn’t post your fic anywhere before your assigned posting day.

What if I can’t make the deadline?
We totally understand! Real life things can get in the way or sometimes just a really bad case of writer’s block. That’s what the check-ins are for - for you to gauge your progress relative to the timeline. You can drop out using the appropriate Google form at any point before rough drafts are due. However, if you drop out after rough draft submissions, you will be banned from participating in future challenges, should we host them. We really don’t want to leave any artists without authors!

For Artists

What are the art requirements?
You must create at least one piece of art for each fic that you claim, though you may make as many art pieces as you wish. Art is not required to be beta-ed, though of course you may have a beta if you want.

What counts as art?
Anything and everything. Accepted artwork includes drawings or paintings (both traditional and digital media are accepted), manips, fanmixes (with at least 8 tracks and coverart), and fanvids. If you’re unsure if the type of art you want to do is accepted, please just ask!

How do claims work?
When authors submit rough drafts, they submit the titles and summaries for their fics as well. These summaries will then be posted anonymously, and artists will indicate their top three choices of fic to make art for anonymously. This will continue until every fic has at least one artist.

Where do I post my art?
Anywhere! Like fic, you can post wherever you’re most comfortable posting. More information to come. As with fic, we just ask that you do not post your artwork before your assigned posting date.

Any other questions?

Feel free to contact your mod either on tumblr or via the page-a-mod post!

!mod stuff, !guidelines

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