Nov 18, 2005 12:16
Ok, here goes nothing. Enjoy!
1.) Japan, or Nihong is a country that I desire with all my heart to one day visit. I just love everything about the place. The culture, the people. Japan is AMAZING!
2.) Some people say I talk a lot. Others say I am really shy. I may seem shy at first, but get to know me and I may not shut up.
3.)I love hot chocolate with just a sprinkle of marshmallows and a touch of whipped cream. I also love eel. Buffalo is also good. Exotic food is amazing. I love trying new things.
4.)When I get nervous, I tend to play with my hair, or at least move it out of my face.
5.) Cats are devils! I HATE them, although I consider my animal spirit to be a cat.
6.) Bugs make me want to scream. I commonly find joy in killing them. Especially flies, mosquitoes, and spiders. Such gratification!
7.) Music is a deep passion of mine. I love all forms of music, except country. Maybe it was that song... "It's all about me, it's all about I, It's all about number one, me my oh my," that did it for me.
8.) I have a deep inward battle within me right now. Religion is such a strange subject for me. I used to think I knew where I belonged. Now I don't. Christianity, to me seems so beautiful, but in the beauty comes such a hypocrisy. I don't know what to believe. I see christians and the way they act. I just don't know.
9.) My middle name is Jael. OMG I let it out. If you tell anyone you are DEAD! JK ^^
10.) I don't want to get married. I like the idea of being single. Bigger bed right?! ^~ Although maybe the real reason I don't want to get married is because I fear being cheated on. I fear being unloved. I fear marrying someone I thought I knew then I end up being hurt, spiritually and physichally. I fear my children may get hurt and I will be helpless to do anything. I fear loss.
11.) I many times, find the music of a song more meaningful then the words. Although, there are a few choice songs where the words mean the world to me. Have you ever heard the song "He's My Son?"
12.)I love culture, I want to travel all over the place.
13.) The farthest I have ever been from home is Colorado. I have never been out of the United States.
14.)I one day hope to go deep sea diving.
15.)I am somewhat of a dare devil. At least I used to be.
16.) White water rafting is an absolute thrill! Yet... I hate swimming! 0.o
17.) I have a fear of heights or to be more precise a fear of falling. It all started when I was young. I climbed up a tree with my brother. I then found I couldn't climb back down. I had to get my father's help to climb back down. Then on an eigth grade class trip I took to Tenesse, I went rock climbing. I slipped, began to spin like mad, then crashed my back into the rock. It was the scariest thing I ever did, even though I was protected by the rope.
18.) I hate going down on a rollar coaster, the downward fall is my most unfavorite part. I feel like qouting the Grinch in saying, "I am going to throw up and then I am going to die." As my mom puts it, I feel like I am on an airplane, spiriling downwards to it's inevitable doom."
19.) I LOVE, heck I WORSHIP milk! Whomever said that cream cheese was from Heaven got it all wrong! Milk is from Heaven. I drink more milk then I do anything else, and that includes water. I also drink milk with anything and everything. Including pizza and popcorn. I know what you are thinking. "EWWW" but I love it!
20. A band that rox my sox is Avalon. Yes, the christian band. Who said a christian band couldn't rock? haha
21.) Lately I have this feeling of hopelessness, a feeling of being unable to help those who need me. Sometimes I feel like I am more of a nusciance than a help.
22.) Even though I have many arguments with them, my parents are the most important people in my life. I love them dearly. I think I would die, literally, if anything ever happened to them.
23.) I made my best friends through the worst of situations in my life. It was as if they came at the perfect timing. I love them dearly! You know who you are... I love ya!
24.) I LOVE the Illini, heck today I am wearing Illini across my but!
25.) I feel fat! JK ^~ Actually I feel quite energetic lately. Maybe it is my sleep deprivation I have been going through. Sleeploss makes me REALLY hyper!!!
Ok I meant this to be 100, but I decided to save time and make it less to read, I will do them it in four segments. Eventually.
Love you all!