Mar 10, 2005 23:19
--YOU & THE BASICS-- Hannah
2.birthdate: October 1st
3.age: 18
4.eye color: hazel color: brown
6.personality: weird
7.describe yourself: weird
8. Nervous Habits? twirl my hair
9. Are you double jointed? no
10. Can you roll your tongue? no
11. Can you raise one eyebrow at a time? nope
12. Can you blow spit bubbles? no
13. Can you cross your eyes? if i try hard enough yes
14. Tattoos? definately not, I don't want permanent art on me
15. Piercings and where? ears and ears alone
16. Screename: romanie
1.type your name with your eyes closed: Hannah
2.type your name with your elbow: hsan nnsgh (wow that is almost readable! 0.0)
3.with your toe: hannazhn (Awww, and i started out so well too)
4.with your non-dominant hand only...turned around: gannah (even closer but no cigar) a book and turn to page 8. what is the 7th word from the bottom?: The (How depressing is that!)
6. reach out with both arms. what do you touch first?: kleenex box
7.look and listen to the TV or Radio.: um... all I hear is my computer's fan haha
--DO YOU--
1. eat spam or potted meat? that is just digusting
2. type with one hand only? only when i am eating
3. wear the same piece of jewelry everyday? i have some rings i wear almost everyday
4. twirl your spaghetti or cut it? twirl
6. have a mole anywhere on your face? yep
7. write with your right hand or left? my one and only right
8. cut up all of your meat, then eat, or cut each at one time? depends on whether i am bored or not
9. carry more than 10 dollars with you on an average day? I'm poe so no
10. have blue eyes? nungka
11. have a swimming pool? my aunt does
12. sing really well? i sing like Hillary Duff and oh she has an awful voice so no
13. stay at the computer more than an hour at a time on average? well perhaps
14. wear thongs everyday? concures with Christina x.x no
15. like rock music? i like all music but country
1. rock or rap? rock
2. chinese or mexican? chinese
3. coke or pepsi? pepsi
4. straight or curly?: stright
5. guy friends or girl friends? well i mostly have girl friends, but guy friends are cool too
6. chick-fil-a or zaxby's? WTH
7. ludacris or 50 cent? um I am not sure, can't think of any of their songs
8. guitar or drums? guitar (that is what my dad plays)
9. chocolate or vanilla? chocolate for taste, vanilla for smell
10. hot dog or corn dog? um hot dogs
11. mustard or ketchup? both
12. beach or mountains? for scenery both, for going there beach i suppose.
13. beef or chicken? chicken
14. me or you? you
15. boxers or briefs? boxers
1. clothes? a shirt with a unique design on it, black cargo like pants, a purple long sleeve overshirt, and a black scarf
2. taste? milk
3.smell? fresh air, well as fresh as air can get in the home
5. hair style? flat
6. music? silence, isn't it great
7. perfume/cologne? perfume but I rarely wear it cause i like fresh air
8. nail color? plain
9. hated song on the radio? It's All About Me
10.crush? >