OK, more training now, and some walking in Lithuania. I think some of the training pics may be mixed up, but never mind. As long as I get them up, eh?
First, Galamaz and Tanase did the press conference.
I have no idea why, unless it was part of
his self-confessed strategy of using fear and doubt to control his subjects. R-Luc is so much more evil and sadistic than I realised; I think I like him already.
(Galamaz has finally stopped grinning, but still looks vacant.)
Lucescu has groupies now! He seems pretty chuffed about it.
Bet Rat didn’t half moan about carrying this.
Training took place in a stadium with nice red seats, as you see,
and Lucescu talked a lot. He’s good at that.
Perhaps that’s why Apostol stayed a long way away from Christi? Nice work, Lucescu.
He hung around with Sapunaru and Tanase instead; a bit tough on them, but it’s got to be better in the long run.
Chivu was delirious with joy, as you can see;
unfortunately, that got Galamaz back to normal. *Sigh*
Even Danciulescu smiled,
though, admittedly, the circumstances were a bit disturbing. GOD, MAN, COVER UP YOUR GNARLY FEET.
Ah, that’s better!
He and Galamaz paired up so they could gurn at each other.
Ah, and then there was Goian.
I don’t suppose anyone remembers now, but he had a touching OTP with Radu once, and during Radu’s long absence tried hooking up with Sapunaru instead.
...Still on. <3
Oi!! Stop that!
Chivu, as you can see, was uncharacteristically nervous.
“Are you Apostol in disguise?”
You needn’t worry, Keebs; Apostol joined the Ugly Blokes’ Union with Ghioane and Lazar. (DEAR GOD HE’S STILL FIDDLING WITH HIMSELF)
...As it turns out, even they didn’t want him.
Lazar went off to give some surprise bumsex to Mara;
Ghioane, after some thought, decided he was best off well out of that situation.
...Once he knew Apostol was a long way away, Christi’s natural good cheer returned.
But what about the anti-Chivu, Florin Costea?
Still miserable, basically, even when undressing Dananae.
That him being hugged by Coman, to judge by his little head-fin. You needn’t think you’ll get a grin out of THAT one, Coman!
The hair situation on the team is still dire.
That’s Bornescu, the third-choice goalie; nice bouffant, mate.
At least Paduretu looks reasonable.
Niculae got in trouble with Lucescu for smiling,
and was made to walk 10ft behind everyone else. That’ll teach him.
Then there’s Marica; basically looking good, but could he not take his bling off while he’s training??
NUDITY BREAK! (I think those two are actually Mara and Galamaz, in which case it’s probably a good thing they covered up their faces.)
It’s not him without the bicycle kicks.
And, since Prosport keep fucking their cache up, we get a
huge picture of him again. (Is it a Rat thing, d’you think?) This would normally be good news, but unfortunately it’s got Apostol in it. Oh, well, at least he’s not actually exposing hismelf this time.
And here’s Lucescu’s dancing.
“Stayin’ aliiiiiiiive!”
It made everyone laugh. That's got to be good, I suppose?
...Why is he telling Radoi to take his wedding ring off? I’m disturbed.
Oh, right, I see. ^_^ Well, as long as Radoi and his wife don’t mind...
Final part: the Tricolorii going for a walk round Kaunas.
Their hotel. (That’s MNic in his beloved hat.)
Danciulescu took the huff and went off on his own.
As you can see, Kaunas has a most attractive architectural feature in the form of this big church thing,
though when there are too many photographers in the vicinity it starts to tilt sideways.
As you see, it is pleasingly visible in the background of many of the pictures. (Cling on to that, because Apostol’ll be popping up later, and that won’t be such a pretty sight.)
Roman, Tanase and Dananae decided to hang around together, united by their relative youthfulness.
Yay, Roman’s smiling!! <3
He and Tanase even seemed to have formed a (Relative) BabyTP. Well, that’s lovely.
Christi, meanwhile, was windblown and carefree...
“Oh, shit. There’s Apostol.”
“Aha! There’s Chivu. I’ll just sidle up to him and...”
Yes, without Lucescu and his whip present, Apostol decided to reunite with the object of his adoration.
Chivu decided to humour him in the hopes he would go away. (
Here is a giant, vastly superior picture roughly similar to that one.)
...Needless to say, that didn’t work and Christi spent the rest of the afternoon wringing his hands and wondering when his ugly stalker would leave him alone.
“Why does Mutu get Costea when I’m stuck with this guy?”
Well, perhaps it’s because
you’ve got horrible taste. (I can’t speak for the Boston Celtics, but he says he likes Michael Jackson and U2 - wtf? However, all was forgiven when he revealed HE STREAMS NBA GAMES ON HIS LAPTOP. \o/ Suddenly I feel almost normal!)
Anyway, I don’t see what he’s complaining about when there are BOOKS! <3
AND PANTI IS OGLING THE BOOKS!!! Just when I thought I couldn’t like him more... (PS Nice Burberry hat, Mr Lithuanian.)
Costea, you’ll never learn to smile by hanging around with Danciulescu.
Bucur, meanwhile, had figured out that the secret to making himself seem (a) average height and (b) incredibly attractive was to stand next to Lazar.
...Prosport think he’s perving at this woman, but, based on the "hair", I can’t help but think they’re being a bit optimistic.
Marius, meanwhile, developed a goalie thing, and got himself in
by far the best picture of that church thing.
Then he just trolled around with Mara and his keeperly slaves.
Goian, Nesu and Roman.
Am I allowed to coo over the way Panti makes Radoi look absolutely pint-sized?
OMG HE’S LAUGHING!!! *Dies of love*
Finally, Sapunaru managed to pull some better birds than Bucur, but still preferred a portly, diminutive training gadge.
Hm. Not sure if I feel better or worse about our chances in the match now...