This is a (slightly late) birthday spam for Zine (
aslanlar), who fancies F Petre.
Reason no. 1 for fancying him: he fathers indescribably cute children.
The kid’s 12 now, a lot older than he was in that last picture, and has tons of black hair, as you see. Still not sure how he ended up with the giant blue eyes, though.
His name’s Patrick, if you’re interested - Patrick Petre?! Try saying it ten times fast - and he’s just landed his first acting job. Sorry, I don’t know what it’s in.
That’s Mrs Ex-Petre on the right. (She and Florentin are divorced.)
Now, if you only remember one thing about FP, it’ll be that he’s short.
...He’s still short.
5’ 5”, if I recall correctly -
even Bucur’s bigger.
Here is a picture about the same size as he is.)
He was a Dinamovist for a long time -
here’s some random Dinamo pictures.
Is this the Planet of the Petres?
So. Florentin played in Bulgaria for two seasons,
and is now at Terek Grozny in Chechnya, which of course is not always the best place to be.
(And, just to make labelling the different photos even more confusing, all three of those teams have white away kits and red tops. DDDDX)
Andrei Margaritescu (the gadge on the left) played with him at Dinamo, and has now been reunited with him at Grozny.
There he is again on the right. The guy in the middle is Daniel Pancu, another teammate - I know he looks like Florentin’s dad, but he’s actually YOUNGER than he is. He’s 31 and Petre is 33. How he must hate that photographer.
Back to Petre. I like his orange T-shirt.
Here it is again, in fact.
Staying on the topic of fashion, here’s the black ensemble,
and the white one.
I don’t know whether his big forehead valley is a scar or the world’s biggest frown wrinkle. It does seem to have a matching one on the other side...
It’s SuperPetre! (Note that his captain’s band has had to be reduced by about half to get it to fit. This is my favourite thing ever.)
Ha! SuperPetre karate-chops TasevskiMan!
Blimey. He’s looking a bit old there.
“La la la, it’s a lovely day for skipping...”
...WHOA. He’s an odd shape. Look, his neck is nearly as wide as his shoulders.
I wouldn’t say so to his face, mind - he looks as if he might twat me.
Hideous neon compression shorts!
That’s better.
Gratuitous crotch shot.
I like the contrast here.
His fellow Tricolorii have a strange predilection for strangling him; here’s Contra doing it,
and Marica. I’m disturbed.
This is the first pic that Zine gave me. It ain’t bad, but it lacks a certain je ne sais quoi.
...Ah, yes, that’s it - he was wearing too many clothes!
Regrettably, I haven’t got any more like that; he doesn’t get his kit off often enough. However, we get some glimpses of arm:
Sharpened too much.
Ooh, not bad!
...Is he wearing a shirt under there? He isn’t, is he? Bleedin’ hell, take those scarves off!
Oh, wow. Arm overload! *Boggles* I knew Nicolita was built, but the rest are really doing quite well for themselves, aren’t they? I don’t even know who two of them are...
*Approvingly* Nice serratus anterior.
Now, back to the small thing. (NOTE THE BOTTLE KINK. Am I good to you or what.)
He’s still small. (And trying to ignore Moti and Tamas getting it on in the background.)
I don’t think he’s the Atomic Ant (which is what the Romanian press call him, same as Sebastian Giovinco). I think he’s the Tasmanian Devil.
TWO assailants twice your size?... No problem! Just shove one out of the way while stamping on the other.
Supine bloke in your way? Kick ’im in the head!
Henry: ...Oh shit.
He also has Teh Scary Eyes Of Doom:
...But sadly wasn’t quite scary enough to get rid of this guy.
Fabi: TEEheeheeheeheeheeheeheehee *Masonic handshake*
Frigging hell, yes! See you at the World Cup! You’re not washed up yet, mate.