I thought I would get out this morning and get up to that trail that runs along the ridge above (to the north of) my house. I had no idea it would wear me out as it did.
Centennial Trail runs two miles altogether, but I drove up Kyle Street to the trailhead that's about halfway. I had planned to follow the trail west, toward town, but when I got to the branch, I decided to go east (right) instead. There is one quick switchback right after you re-cross Kyle, and then it follows the ridge that I can see from by house beyond the trees down here. This is looking back along the ridge -- pretty much the easy part of the trail.
Oh, but then it turns back and down and down and down into the canyon along (and crossing and recrossing repeatedly) a dry streambed full of boulders. Lots of ups and downs and scrambling over rocks and boulders.
I had water, but this wasn't as easy a trail as I'd thought it was. I got to the point where I was absolutely worn out, then turned around. II hiked about two miles altogether. I was probably almost to the petroglyphs at the end, but I didn't think I could make it there and then come back. I'll go take a drive up there later today, I think. Yikes, I am so out of shape. :(
In any case, I could see me house -- sort of -- from along the ridge. It's among that dense growth of pines right about smack in the middle of this photo.
And now, a long shower. And maybe a nap.