Challenge Twenty: The Wizards of Summer - Drabbles
Title: Maze
seaislewitchWizard/Witch: Phineas Nigellus Black/Ursula Flint Black
Rating/Warnings: PG-13/R
Prompt: 7 - grotto
Theme: Grotto Vignettes
June 1876
"Please show me the way, husband." Ursula stood at another dead-end. "I grow weary of this game."
Stroking my beard, I weighed my amusement against her prize. "Come, my dear."
In the centre of the hedge maze, an enchanted gate opened into secluded gardens and an ancient grotto, delighting my beloved.
Smiling, I peeled away her dainty white gloves, kissing each ladyfinger.
"Now that I'm your husband, you must stop blushing."
"But, Phineas," she breathed, bosom heaving, "that would mean you've lost your touch."
"Never." Dispelling her summer finery, I fell to my knees and bestowed my award.
Author's Notes: Thanks to
missblane for her Proof Witchery.
First in a series of five drabbles. Next:
Naiad, and