Donna (
giggles_magoo) has hooked me on Metric. I poked in my mailbox on Sunday and what did I find, but yet ANOTHER Metric CD she sent me. Thank you Donna! LOL. It's odd, but I have to spin Metric's CD's seven to ten times before I begin to like it--unlike most of my other favorite singers, of whom I like instantly I spin it once. Odd.
I have a semi-stalker at work. He's so weird. I didn't notice his stalker characteristics until the eighth time he came into the cafe and ordered the same thing (apple cake and Mr Pibb--WEIRD!). Until then, I didn't pay attention to him or anything else. But then I started to notice that he just kept...staring!!!! I hate people who stare. It's so freaky and rude. But anyways, he tried to say a few things to me. lame Staring and not being able to start a valid conversation with me is my number one turn-off. So any guy is automatically struck from the list. Anyways, I have this antique-looking yellow CZ cocktail ring I bought from Wal-Mart a few months ago and it was in my purse from when I made my first sojourn to a club(more on that later), so I put it on my left ring finger since I was bored at work. Little did I know that the ring would be the source of much amusement.
He comes in, as he does at least four times a week, and of course; STARING. But the hilarious part is that he sees the ring on my hand and I've never seen him order, collect his food and leave the cafe as quickly as he did yesterday. If I wasn't in the middle of the cafe, I would have died laughing. His dumb ass came in today and I was on the phone and when I looked up, Stalker-Boy was looking at me again. I nearly laughed. I love wearing CZ rings on my wedding finger. It is the source of much amusement.