cartoon heroes~

Jun 07, 2009 13:08

whhee~ bday dinner yesterday :P asked everyone to dress Mafia style LOL.
Most people came in a suit and tie hehe.
got to eat PASTAAAA~ though was full after one sashimi piece...

i love my new moleskins diary that i got~~~ i also received a
bunch of scarves..people must think i am a real scarf person..its cold?
but i do have a lot of scarfs..and now have a few more to add ><'''
alot of plushies..i am not gonna be able to sleep on my bed

rofl. the COFA people at the back clones o.o'''' including me.
now to upload stuff onto fb..taggin starto~

Tsuna and Kyoko <3
thanks Miyu miyukiko for coming as Kyoko~!

Jess and Karen got me a cocktail mixer~ hell yea! can't wait to
make my own drinks.
Although the mixer had tequila or something with it so it got confiscated
when i went K. LOL.
i am still waiting for my belated game console...
Kareoke was fun, that shot they gave me burned my insides *dies*
i thought that Big Eco would have more japanese songs..becasue its a
Japanese bar franchise...SO WRONG. haha but we sang mostly old school
english and chinese songs o.o;;;;; midnight snack at maccas~

This card reminded me that i need to find my Len costume...
i can't find my headphones or shorts LOL..
going as Vocaloids again for SMASH with Jen, Gina, Johnni and
KIMI-CHAN will be back for it~~~!!! <3
AND shiiit needs to learn LOVE & JOY dance, i am the only one who
doesn't know it!  *goes off to practice*

hitman reborn, birthday

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