(no subject)

Jan 07, 2007 20:59

My Mother:
Takes money from every person that lives in this house; just because.
She controls everything that everyone does, even if it doesn't concern her.
She lets random people live at our house because they are "her friends."
She spends mass amounts of money on frivilous items, and then bitches about our money problems.
She never goes to work, yet when it comes time to clean, she can't because she "works too much."
If she wants me to date the guy that is over she will try to leave us alone in a room for hours, if not, she makes me clean while they are there.
She decides what I will buy and what I will not, because once I get it, it becomes her property.
She gets mad at me for fighting with my sibiling but all her and her brother do is fight.
She calls me names and puts me down, but the second the fight is over everything she said just "never happened."
She makes me stay home every saturday to watch her friend's baby when I'm not getting paid for it but my mom doesn't want to do it so its my job.
I can't compare what I'm allowed to do with other kid's privledges, but when she doesn't want me to do something she compares my privelges with kids she knows.
She says she doesnt know me so she can only "assume the worst"

I don't know there are lots more just, my mom drives me crazy and makes me feel like shit constantly. I can't stand living in this place anymore.
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