Title: Triggered (15/?)
Series: The Powers That Be
Author: Romanceguru
Disclaimer: Joss is the boss of me.
Rating: R for heaps of immorality.
Fandom: Firefly/Angel Crossover
Characters/Pairing: Marcus/River, Simon, & OC.
Warning: Possibly very dark and disturbing.
Timeline: Continued from immediately from “
No Rest for The Wicked.”
A/N: This, by far, was
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Comments 13
Long winded story short, yay. Thank you.
I hope to bloody hell Marcus gets the shit kicked out of him for that.
Jesus! Unexpected!Simon death :(
But he does evil so seamlessly!
Oh, Marcus is going to get retribution in one form or another…
Unexpected? Good. I was hoping it wasn’t going to be blaringly obvious. Thanks for the R&R!
I mean, dude. Dude.
Jesus, dude.
I am lost for words. Seriously. Words, I have them not.
It's so... and then the... *flails helplessly*
This was so good. So, so, so good.
Jesus, dude.
♥ U!
Which makes this great - but I have no notion where you might go next. Tell me???
I won’t give anything away except that the next chapter starts with River chained up somewhere...
Ha! I love that as a promotional tagline for this story. Glad you’re enjoying it! Working on the next bit…
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