MOD POST & EVENTS: Jan 29, 2011

Jan 29, 2011 18:06

JANUARY 29, 2011

Pack your bags, Romantics!


Gateways to the Sky

LAX. IAD. Tokyo Haneda International. London Heathrow. Dubai International. From East to West, the very North to the far reaches of the Southern Hemisphere these hubs of modern transportation see billions of people collectively every day. And while the rigors of traveling are a pleasure to so very, very few; there's always reason behind booking your flight and packing up. Or maybe it's your first time and the mere thought of leaving the ground and sailing through the clouds at such speeds has your excited? Or...terrified.

Are you going to visit a loved one? Will they be standing for you armed with balloons and stuffed bears in the mix of your family for a holiday or alone with a single rose. Are you worried that you'll even recognize them once they come through the gates after it's been so long? Or is it that you're flight had the misfortune of being cancelled! How horrible. And you're just trying to make the best of things by hunkering down and chatting up some other unlucky soul that's sitting not too far away.

However tough the journey is one might always find the brightest of the unexpected along the way.


Runway Confession!

You know that scene. The second to last one in the midst of the story where our hero (or heroine) has realized the worst of their mistakes and they have to fix it before it can never be undone!. Someone's leaving on a jet plane~ And they've chased through city or the countryside (or both), using bikes and cars, taxis and even the occasional skateboard or two (segways, however, have proven highly unreliable) to get there in time.

So is that you? Are you the one racing the clock to spill those words bursting through your heart? Or are you the one boarding the plane, ready to try and move on whether this impending confession is something you're secretly hoping for or blissfully unaware of as incoming? And where does this last-moment meeting occur? At the ticket booth? Traditionally, we seems to be just as one is about to board.

But those truly determined not to let anyone or anything stand in their way won't hesitate to work their way on the plane, plunking down next to their beloved in that conveniently empty seat.

Bag Swap!

Well, how were you supposed to know!? Everything coming off that carousel looks the same and you thought that giant, black suitcase was yours. Not hers! Not there's! But you went to unzip it just to check and found the contents most definitely not what you expected. (Oh my, such a personal glimpse!).

What did you see? And who does it belong to?! Better find out, you need to get yours back after all!


Linked together! Crazy how those handcuffs just show up, huh?


Travel safely, Romantics! As always comments, suggestions (future events, settings, whatever might be in your mind!) drop us a line.

If you're looking for something to hop into why not try: Retica and quite the collision! and there's also Tsuna looking rather confused.

And remember, if this weeks events aren't your cup of tea, the events from weeks past are still up for grabs!

Let's take a look at our affiliates!

CommunityEvent PostEventsMeme Postlovespheres 1/17Everyone loves going to the mall. The Underwear Swap Memethe_love_hotel 1/24Harems, Stabling, Cofeeling and Glory Boxes! The Chat Room Memeromancedressing 1/29Why, you're already here! Linked to You8_dressing 1/28Fairy Wishes and Serpent's Keep The User Pic Meme

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