Tourney D'amour! | Open

Jan 08, 2011 16:01

[1 -- Preparations]

He wasn't sure how he ended up in this tournament. All Athrun knew was that, one day, he'd gotten the notice that he was participating in a mobile suit combat tournament. Sure, he hated the idea of mobile suits being used in a tournament, despite regulations like attacking the cockpit being forbidden and losing the head resulting in disqualification. But his pride as a mobile suit pilot would not allow him to back out. He'd made a name for himself in two wars, and was the highest-ranking pilot currently active in the Orb navy. He owed it to himself and his homeland to give this tournament everything he had.

Which was why Athrun could be found in the locker room, zipping up his flight suit and tucking his helmet under his arm. But as someone approached, he looked up.

"What is it?"

[2 -- Final round]

So far, Athrun was living up to his reputation. He made it through the preliminaries with little difficulty, and had advanced through the rounds since then, ending his battles quickly. The battles tended to follow a general pattern; first, he'd hang back and play defensively while he analyzed his opponent's abilities, both in terms of machine and pilot. Once he had a good grasp of what the opponent was capable of, he devised a quick strategy on the fly -- the most basic one he has used so far involved using his mobile suit's beam rifle to box the opponent in, then close in, disarm the enemy mech with his beam sabers, then destroy the head.

And so, here Athrun was, in the final round of the tournament. His mobile suit, the Infinite Justice Gundam, stood at one end of the battlefield, cockpit hatch open. Athrun himself stood in front of the machine, waiting to meet his opponent face-to-face before the match.

[3 -- Victory]

The tournament was over, and the only pilot/machine combo left standing was Athrun Zala and the Infinite Justice Gundam. Athrun had given the tournament everything he had, and came out the winner of the entire competition for his efforts.

All that was left to do now was claim his prize. He stood on the front steps of the palace, awaiting the supposed princess who was to bestow him with his prize.

[[OoC: Girls will get romance, but anyone else is welcome to tag if they would like CR. When replying, please put the number of the prompt you're replying to in the comment title.]]

(series) gundam seed

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