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Dec 04, 2010 22:38

Chel was bored. She was inside a building that didn't seem to be in use any more, but was plenty warm - which was why she was in there. She was sitting on a bench in a room that was nearly empty aside from various forms of seeting and two empty bookcases thrown in the room at seemingly random places. Yeah, it was kind of ugly-looking, but that wasn ( Read more... )

(series) the road to el dorado

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killingedges December 10 2010, 04:27:20 UTC
And she got her wish.

The door leading into the building flew open rather abruptly as a young man zipped inside, slamming it shut behind him as voices could be heard approaching outside. He quickly pressed his back against the door, listening intently as the sounds drew near.

"Where'd that bastard go?" "That damn thief, he's gotta be here somewhere!" "He must be hiding around here...!"

The young swordsman, Guy, grimaced slightly at those words. He hadn't stolen a thing; all he'd done was accept some food from a stranger who noticed he was hungry. He didn't know it was stolen until he was halfway through eating it! But they would hear none of that, and, well, here he was.

He began to breathe a sigh as he heard the voices passing the building without inspecting. "Too close... ah, what am I to do? I can hardly go out now that they're looking for me." he muttered to himself, rubbing his forehead as he finally took a look around the room... and realized he wasn't alone. He froze, eyes wide, as he realized that one shout from this woman would give him away entirely to the mob out there.

This might be bad.


yournewpartner December 11 2010, 21:53:35 UTC
Luckily for Guy, Chel was far from the type to scream over a thief - or seeming theif. Whatever.

She reached back and pulled a large portion of her hair over her shoulder, then began to run her fingers through it. Her eyes closed just as her mouth opened. "So... What did you take?"


killingedges December 11 2010, 22:04:03 UTC
His composure relaxed a little as he realized she wasn't about to yell; truth be told, even if he was attacked he could hold his own just fine, but fighting a pointless battle like that would just leave a bad taste in his mouth. He opened his mouth to thank her for not giving him away, when her words actually registered.

"N-nothing!" he insisted, pushing himself off the door with an annoyed sigh. "Someone gave me some food, but it turns out they stole it. I just got caught eating it." He frowned slightly - was that a pout? - as he muttered "That's just my luck, really."

Snapping out of his annoyed mindset, he quickly bowed to the relaxing woman before him. "Oh, but in any case, thank you for not turning me in! I definitely owe you one!"


yournewpartner December 11 2010, 22:07:14 UTC
She looked almost disappointed by his protest. Chel was really a theif out of necessity - well, in her mind it was necessity - more than anything else, but criminals were... Well, interesting. Her expression went from disappointed to bored as the boy complained about his luck, accompanied by a raised eyebrow.

Still, she didn't speak until he said he owed her, and then she was beaming. "Owe me one, huh? And what exactly do you have to offer?"


killingedges December 11 2010, 22:13:06 UTC
Oh, no. He'd done it again. He had to find a new way of thanking people, because 'I owe you one' had come back to bite him in the ass on more than one occasion. And from the look in her eyes, he knew she was the type to make the best of that kind of deal... which didn't bode well for him at all.

"Uh... well." He didn't have much to offer, as far as items went - a few swords and a vulnerary, but she didn't look like the kind who saw enough combat to need weapons or healing items. So... services, then? "I guess I can owe you a favor? I'm a swordsman, but if you need help with anything else I can probably manage it." He pursed his lips as he tried to think of anything more specific than that. "I... guess it might help if I knew if there was something you wanted, first."


yournewpartner December 11 2010, 22:18:40 UTC
(ooc| Just because I'm curious now, what is Guy's canon?)

Chel looked thoughtful for a second, although she already knew what she was going to say. The way he seemed at a loss for words, seemed a bit uncomfortable, was kind of amusing.

"A favor, huh? Well... There's not really anything I need right now..."


killingedges December 11 2010, 22:25:39 UTC
(ooc: Guy's from Fire Emblem, for GBA! /o/)

"Oh. Well... I guess you can just ask for it whenever you think of something, then." he offered, knowing even as he said it just how pathetic that sounded as a form of repayment. Mind you, talking to girls was never his strongest point in the first place, but he still felt he should try to think of something.

"Um." He folded his arms over his chest, staring at the floor in thought for a moment. Being a swordsman was his main drive in life; what else did he have to offer? "I could... follow you? And help you if the need comes up?"


yournewpartner December 11 2010, 22:32:53 UTC
Chel was about to ask how she'd get in touch with him when Guy offered to follow her, and she broke out in a grin. She finally sat up and quickly brought her hair back around her shoulder. She was all for this idea.

"So... You're okay with following me around like a puppy, honey?"


killingedges December 11 2010, 22:39:17 UTC
This had the makings of a bad idea all over. If he was going to act on any level of reasonable intelligence, he would leave her an IOU, walk away, and let that be that. But the people of Sacae tell no lies; it's been that way for ages, and Guy is no exception. The offer was placed; he can't take it back, now.

"Well... I don't know about a puppy, but..."


yournewpartner December 11 2010, 22:44:14 UTC
"Close enough!" Chel exclaimed, leaping to her feet. In her excitement, she embraced her new companion. She wasn't sure what she was going to do with Guy, but having a steady friend - although she was using the term loosely - here was going to be great. She had never been the type to need people before, but this was a strange place. Besides, ever since she'd met Miguel and Tulio...

Eh, no reason to think about them now.

"I'm Chel!" she revealed, stepping back.


killingedges December 11 2010, 22:49:57 UTC
Oh gods what has he gotten himself into. He freezes up awkwardly the moment her arms move around him, and if it weren't for his pride as a warrior - and his Sacaean vow - he may very well have fled the scene at that very moment. Quite literally, fled. But he willed his feet to remain rooted in place, and after a moment of steeling his nerves he swallowed, forcing the air from is lungs as he spoke.

"W... well met, Chel." he stammered, silently relieved as she stepped back. He was much better at admiring from afar; things got complicated when actual interaction was in order. "I-I'm Guy. Guy of Sacae. It's... um, it's good to meet you."


yournewpartner December 11 2010, 22:52:36 UTC
Ha, she'd made him even more flustered. This was definitely amusing. However, her amusment was overcome by curiosity.

"Sacae, huh? What's that like?"

She always loved learning about different places, seeing everything as a potential place to go.


killingedges December 11 2010, 22:59:48 UTC
It was his turn for his eyes to light up, smiling fondly as he remembered his home. "It's a wonderful place. Grass plains as far as the eye can see, and we rarely find ourselves low on game to hunt." Mostly fast game, which he couldn't catch since he was so terrible at riding a horse. "There are brigands, of course, but most are easy enough to fend off."

A quiet sigh; it was nothing like this place. This city of metal and concrete didn't sit well with him at all.

"It's... not easy to describe, without seeing it yourself."


yournewpartner December 12 2010, 02:38:36 UTC
Chel smiled. The grass plains sounded nice, and she didn't really care either way about hunting, but... "Brigands?" she asked once he was done, tilting her head to the side. Then she shrugged.

"I guess most places are like that, really." She wanted to see it, like she wanted to see so many places. She wasn't sure, though, if she was just moving from one adventure to the next or looking for a home.


killingedges December 12 2010, 02:53:18 UTC
"Yeah. Raiders, looters... real lowlifes who would rather take everything from someone else than work for it themselves." He patted the sword at his side, adding, "Our tribe, the Kutolah, are the strongest warriors on the plains. Those brigands don't start anything with us, but we help those who can't defend themselves."

He shook his head quickly, adding, "Still, it's worth seeing, I think." It was his turn to tilt his head a bit, studying her for a moment. Her complexion, mannerisms, physique... though distinctly attractive, they were also entirely unlike anything he'd seen. He certainly couldn't discern her heritage from them. "What about you? I mean, where are you from?"


yournewpartner December 12 2010, 02:57:33 UTC
Her smile faltered ever-so-slightly as he described these 'lowlifes'. Chel wondered if Guy would understand some of the things she'd done... Well, no matter. She wasn't about to bring it up.

Instead, she rolled her eyes at the question of where she lived. "El Dorado. You know, the City of Gold? It's a nice place to visit, or some I'm told... But you wouldn't want to live there."


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