Let's Dance

Oct 11, 2012 00:35

Raye yawned against her hand. She'd stayed out too late, running errands on a school night, and she was more than ready to go home and take a hot bath before crashing into bed. Her grandpa was probably sound asleep already by now, and she was pretty sure the new guy at the temple had similarly crashed. And that was good. She suspected that Serena had been trying to nudge the two of them together, particularly with a dance fast approaching at the school Serena attended.

But Raye went to an all girls' school, so attendance was out of the question. Raye had said she'd be happy to help the others shop for a dress, but she was going to skip this one. There wasn't anyone at Serena's school she liked enough to ask out, even if the new guy was pretty cute. There was still something strange about him that Raye couldn't quite put her finger on. He gave off weird vibes, but he didn't seem evil. It was best to keep an eye on him until she could figure out what his deal was, but that didn't mean she was about to start dating him.

Serena wasn't going to change Raye's mind about it, either.

She pulled the zipper of her jacket up a little higher, then buried her hands in her pockets as she quickened her steps. It was starting to get pretty cold at night, this time of year. Days were getting shorter, and nights were getting longer. And that meant there would be more leaves to rake.

A shrine maiden's work was never done, was it?

(OOC: Raye's only interested in dating guys, but if any castmates just want to play around with CR, please feel free! Raye's from the English dub, fyi.)

(series) sailor moon

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