Sorta-Intro Post || No Event (ETERNIA setting) || Saul Livingston (OC) || OTA for CR

Aug 29, 2011 10:14

(OOC Warning: purple prose and tense-jumping ahead.]

[ Well. This was...a mildly remarkable occurrence, even by his standards. One moment he's enjoying a leisurely morning walk around the block, and the next...

It was a sudden and jarring thing, really, to idly contemplate various thoughts and fancies and then suddenly notice that the surroundings aren't what they were. True, this'd happened often enough to him that he was past the stage of being floored by it...but it was never a totally easy thing to realize. Dramatically changed environment usually meant something was up, or otherwise on the way - and it could easily be something unpleasant, though it wasn't always.

A moment ago there'd been sunshine and blue sky; now there was a dark and heavy curtain of steel grey, a feeling of late autumn that sometimes preceded rain or snowfall back home. Gone were the residences and parked vehicles; in their place, an abundance of stylized bushes and hedges arranged to create a certain soothing aesthetic. Nothing but greenery as far as the eyes can see.

Saul Livingston knows this area well - it's a dimension he'd thought closed and sealed off. Of course, the possibility remains that it still is, and the current enviroment's naught but an imitation crafted by his present homeplane.

...Well, whatever. His inner power flow's at the right level, so he can handle it. Besides...he can't honestly say it's not good to see the gardens again. However little there was for him to do in the original realm, it does represent a nice change of scene, so long as no nasty surprises lie in wait.

Might as well keep walking. I mean, hey, that's why he left the house in the first place; at least now there's a chance it'll be interesting. ]

[Been too long since we've had a post, so I'm making one with this guy here. The goal is CR, CR, and more CR - I'm open to anyone and anything in this regard. Any interaction is good interaction.

If, on the other hand, you want romance...only females are eligible, and he likely won't seek much beyond carefree flirtation at first. Serious wooing isn't completely impossible, but by default it'll take a long time and lots of buildup - while exceptions can happen, they depend greatly on how well the muses mesh.]

(series) original character

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