good morning! yaaaawnnnn!

Apr 09, 2006 11:12

'morning! it's a hard sunday morning awakening. last night I didn't do anything special, I just ate a kebab with friends and then went to a ''terribly expensive but too good'' place where we all ate maxi ice creams (I took one with dark chocolate, hazel,soft cream, and biscuits: gooooooooooooooooooddddddddddddddddd) and played an everlasting trivial pursuite challenge :D I must stop this wilde eating or I'll become an enormous mash-mallow :D
anyway, this morning I awake with stomachache and allergy, so I'll go voting later, I must get better before going out. yes because today and tomorrow there are the elections. we'll see. for sure I hope berlusconi to lose and go in jail as soon as possible, but I'm never I can only hope, and anyway I have decided to leave italy after my final graduation, if people don't understand some fundamental values like social careness, culture and education, etc etc
anyway I'm no more angry and now I know how to solve the problem with the pics, so I'll manage soon :)
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