May 31, 2004 23:41
Ah, this past weekend was fun. I got to go to texas and spend time with the family there. My rich uncle says i remind him of himself when he was my age. SO im gonna be a millionaire. Anyway. Im really hoping to move to texas when my dad moves. Its a long story but were almost there. Not to mention the amount of gorgeous women in texas impossible to count. Anyway, i have alot of awesome friends in texas, that i was unable to contact this weekend. OH well, im gonna be there alot this summer. Lutherhill is coming up soon. I cant wait, but i am mad that im not gonna be able to go when Mary Beth is going. She sure is swell. (im trying to get old 50's terms to be cool again). Anyway, not much to write. Cept im really excited that my dad is really close to moving into the house in housotn. If he is able to move in before school starts, then ill be able to go live there and go to school there for my sophmore year. That would be awesome. But i havent told my mother this plan yet. I think she'll be happy to get rid of me, so she can start gettin out more. Anyway, keep your fingers crossed that everything goes well.