Short soapbox

Sep 09, 2008 01:49

Okay, so here's the deal...

I have a public platform with various people on a semi-weekly basis. But I never mention my political view point unless I'm amongst friends. So why do all these celebrities feel the need to go parading their political view points around and basically bashing everyone that doesn't agree with them? I mean, let's be honest. Do you really think Russell Brand (or whatever his name is) is really THAT educated in American politics? (And he's not even bloody AMERICAN!!) Or that whoever all those rappers are are actually watching/reading political commentaries and coverage?

I know you all know where I stand, but if we disagree, that's fine. I think my friendship with Ashley is a great example of that. I am so proud of her and what she is doing in the Obama campaign and the passion that drives her to do what she does. But she also knows that I will not be voting that way come November. But we don't bash each other about that. We might playfully tease one another, but we respect the other's beliefs and opinions.

I don't know...maybe it's the conservative in me that is tired of hearing Bush's name based every time some so-called "celebrity" opens their mouth. And maybe it's not just Bush himself being bashed, but the fact that American citizens are making a mockery of our Commander in Chief. I know he may not be the best president ever, but is there really a need to call him names and belittle him in front of an international audience? No wonder all these countries around us think so little of America now. I mean, he IS our PRESIDENT. He is the most powerful man in the world. And regardless of who holds that office, it is a position that should be respected. It isn't an easy job, no matter who holds that office.

Again, I know that most of us on here have varied opinions about this. But I'm just bothered by the lack of respect people have towards each matter what the political affiliation. I know that there's bashing coming from both sides of the party lines. Republicans certainly did their fair share last week, and the Democrats had their time the week prior.

I think I'm just ready for this election to be over. And regardless of who is in office, I'm sure Leno & Letterman will have plenty of jokes. And Oprah will be on her soap box.

I don't know. It's just been bugging me the past few days. And I'm sure it is about to kick into high gear here in Nashville b/c Belmont is hosting one of the Presidential debates in October. Yippie. I was hoping to be in England by the time it took place, but alas, I'll still be here for a couple more days.
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