taz info.

Feb 11, 2007 10:15


down the bottom of this page you can see the airlines- to book.

Port Author is near hobart

Launceston has extraordinary history and a large number of elegant nineteenth century buildings.


This web site says alot - go down till you find "things to see"

"The best way to explore Launceston's historic past is to get a copy of 'Walk About Launceston' produced by the City Architect and Planner's Department. It nominates 25 places (including Cataract Gorge) concentrated in central Launceston and offers a comprehensive overview of the city's magnificent architecture."

Perhaps we could get there early, spend the day there then catch a bus to hobart at the end of the day. Hobart is 122km away- so thats 2 hours drive.

Then in hobart we can play it by ear.
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